Title: Just a Cup of Coffee
an_ardent_rainRating/Warnings: PG
Prompts: Sandals/Flip-Flops
Word Count: 1583
Summary: Remus and Tonks go out to dinner, but it's not a date. She didn't even get him flowers.
Author’s Notes: This isn't the idea I started out with. And even though I've been working on it for awhile, it's been going nowhere, so I can only
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Comments 29
I also loved the little details about the park they were walking through and the rain. You've described their surroundings so vividly that I can imagine it unfolding slowly in my mind...
My favourite sentences were "He was dull, he knew, but he’d always been attracted to those spirits that were sparkling. Bright. In school, he’d had Sirius and James and now he saw that same warmth, that same certain, marvelous thing in Tonks." I feel that there's a lot of wisdom hidden in those sentences - indeed, one of the things that I really cherish in my best friends is their joie de vivre and the energy with which they live life. And I can definitely see how Remus loves this aspect of Tonks.
Thanks a lot for the lovely story!
I'm really glad you liked the "non-" idea; when I thought of that, I just saw the perfect opportunity to get some flirty banter going.
Ooh, and glad you liked the details, too! Sometimes I worry that I write too dialog heavy.
Anyway, thanks again for the awesome comment!
very non-enjoyable ;)
Thanks very much!
Nice work! I love how you used your prompt, and I love Tonks's tank top!
But anyway, thanks again!
Humourous and romantic and very clever dialogue. Nice piece.
I'm glad you liked it! Dialog is my favorite thing to write, so I usually can do that pretty well. This was loads of fun to write, so I'm really happy it turned out well!
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