Voting Reminder

Jan 16, 2009 22:50

Calling all Meta Members!

This is a post to remind you that you still have time to vote for your favourite fic or piece of art for the Pink Christmas Advent Community Choice Award. Voting will remain open until midnight on Sunday night (18th of January). If you haven't done so already, please to take a few moments to pop over to this post and cast ( Read more... )

pink christmas advent, awards, voting post, community info

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Comments 3

shimotsuki January 16 2009, 23:10:12 UTC
(I'm dreadful, I know. But I have to ask.) Is that midnight, UTC?

There's still a couple of long fics here I want to have a chance to sit down with properly, heh.


godricgal January 16 2009, 23:16:22 UTC
We generally always close down around midnight PST, since that's 8am here in the UK and easy for gilpin25 or me to sort out without anyone having to stay up late or get up early!


shimotsuki January 16 2009, 23:33:20 UTC
Okay, thanks! I thought maybe voting was different from posting...I think there was one event where I was assuming midnight PST, but voting closed a few hours earlier than that, and I missed my chance. (Not that I ought to be leaving things so late, I know. I'll do my best to finish up by Saturday night this time.)

And I should take this opportunity to thank all you mods for another great event!


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