FIC: They're Weird and They're Wonderful

Oct 22, 2008 17:20

Title: They're Weird and They're Wonderful
Author: chococoffeekiss
Rating & Warnings: Rated G
Prompts: Day of Superstition, Patronus Message, Park, Humour/Romance
Word Count: 2,869
Summary: Tonks and Remus are left in the lurch by an important person on an even more important day. Temporary madness and/or Weasley assistance ensues.
Author’s Notes: I don't quite ( Read more... )

romance, chococoffeekiss, autumn moonlight jumble, humour

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Comments 37

sspring92 October 23 2008, 04:58:59 UTC
It definitely made me giggle! I had no idea that they weren't married "legitimately". Living in sin huh ;)! Thanks for posting! Needed that today!


chococoffeekiss October 23 2008, 18:59:56 UTC
:D I always love those episodes in sitcoms where the officiant doesn't show up for the wedding and they have to enlist the help of a friend.
So yeah, lots of sin...Unless you consider the Church of the Holy Wazlib legitimate...


avser3322 October 23 2008, 07:08:49 UTC
Oh my, that made my day. Soo funny! Gotta love the twins. :) I liked how you also had the sweet sincere moments too. Great job combining the two. It was so much fun to read!


chococoffeekiss October 23 2008, 19:02:39 UTC
I'm glad it made your day! Your review made my day!
(The twins were fun to write:D)


sugarannie October 23 2008, 09:04:51 UTC
This is simply hilarious. It's fitting, it's funny, and I really enjoyed reading it :-)


chococoffeekiss October 23 2008, 19:03:59 UTC
Glad you like it! I wasn't sure I'd worked all of my prompts in enough! Thanks for your review:)


carnivalgirl October 23 2008, 11:24:54 UTC
This is the best R/T wedding ever! *happy*
I've got to love Fred and George, and the little afterlife reference, but there are too many funny things here, like 'awfully wedded wolf' and 'until your very likely deaths do you part'. I could go on.

Imagine Voldie: "Your niece, Bellatrix, has married the werewolf, Remus a park. Under the holy guidance of Roonil Wazlib. You must be so proud."


chococoffeekiss October 24 2008, 01:51:00 UTC
Glad you liked it!
Hehe. The holy guidance of Roonil Wazlib.
I think I'd like that church, lols.


train_lindz October 23 2008, 13:46:00 UTC
"I'm just knocking out two superstitions with one pair of Adidas.”


This was great - you made me giggle. I wish the Weasley twins would perform my wedding :)


chococoffeekiss October 24 2008, 01:52:51 UTC
I wish the Weasley twins would perform my wedding :)

Oh, me too! That would be awesome, no? I thought so:D
Glad you enjoyed it!


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