Corridors of Power by Starsea

Jun 15, 2008 03:54

Title: Corridors of Power

Author: Starsea (sea_thoughts)

Prompt: Passage

Word Count: 1057 (Ron length *lol*)

Rating: PG because it involves Umbridge

Summary: Kingsley and Remus discuss the implications of Remus's relationship with Tonks in the real world.

Notes: I have never written Kingsley before but I really enjoyed doing it. I kind of see this as where the seed of Remus's decision to break up with her is sown, despite his decision to stick with her and despite Kingsley's happiness at this decision. The idea is there now, even though it's dormant.

"I know this is a stupid question," Kingsley said, putting a slice of beef wellington on his plate and adding some caramelised mushrooms, "but are you and Tonks serious?"

Remus almost choked on his Butterbeer at the question. It was a bolt from the blue, a Bludger in his back. He'd had no idea it was coming. That was why Kingsley had asked it, of course. He wasn't an Auror for nothing. Still, Remus couldn't help feeling a little bit offended. He swallowed his mouthful and didn't answer for a second or two, letting the other man know that he wasn't about to be hurried into his answer. "It's not a fling, if that's what you're asking," he answered. "I'm not in the business of breaking young girls' hearts."

Kingsley raised his eyebrows. "I never said you were. No need to look so offended. But I ask because - as I'm sure you realise - a relationship with a werewolf isn't exactly a good idea at a time like this."

Remus felt his shoulders sag. He was highly aware that he didn't have much to offer his girlfriend - a lifetime of monthly care, social exclusion, partial financial support at best - but he'd hoped that Kingsley might be above that. He'd always seemed so level-headed, so fair. But what did Remus expect? Werewolves were constantly and consistently portrayed as monsters.

"Remus." Kingsley put a hand on his arm. "This isn't about you. You're a good man, I know that. Even if you weren't in the Order, the fact that Dumbledore hired you as a teacher speaks for itself."

"I was only a teacher for one year," Remus muttered.

"Because you resigned your post," Kingsley said easily, cutting up the beef into long slices and adding the onions on top. "Dumbledore didn't sack you. The kids didn't want you to go, either. As I said, this isn't about you personally. It's about the fact that Tonks works at the Ministry and the Ministry doesn't like werewolves. You must have noticed the way the wind's blowing."

"You mean the act where werewolves can't be hired in any job that involves children? I hadn't noticed that at all," Remus said dryly, pouring some more Butterbeer into his glass.

"That's exactly my point. That act, the fact Umbridge is now teaching at Hogwarts - there should be an act against her, not you - "

"Why do you say that?" Despite his affiliation with the Order, Kingsley was a discreet man. He might disagree with the Ministry's politics but he spoke through actions rather than words. His comment about Umbridge was both intriguing and worrying in equal measure.

Kingsley glanced around at the ballroom, filled with people chatting happily about anything except Order business and current affairs. "Let's talk about this outside." He walked into the corridor and Remus followed him. Kingsley leaned back against the opposite wall, chewing on his food as he thought about what to say. Remus copied his action and waited patiently.

"When Dolores Umbridge started at the Ministry, nobody could have predicted that she'd become Undersecretary to the Minister," Kingsley said slowly. "She'd barely scraped through her NEWTs and on paper, you'd have thought she'd gravitate to a department with a lot of paperwork. Of course, nobody knew how ambitious she was. Nor were we aware of how prejudiced she was against other species and people who were sick in any way. It's not just werewolves, Remus: it's anyone with any kind of disability. By the end of her first year, she'd reduced state funding of St. Mungos by twenty-five per cent. It's Lucius Malfoy's donations which keep that place going, ironically. She campaigned for stricter rules about use of magic in the workplace and before she got the teaching job at Hogwarts, she was even talking about 'cleaning up' the Auror department. I would have liked to see her take on Scrimgeour... but I digress. Tonks is a good Auror, but she stands out. Umbridge hates anyone who stands out. She already had it in for Tonks because of the Metamorphing, if she found out that she was involved with a werewolf, she'd make Tonks's life hell." He looked straight at Remus, his gaze steady and objective. "I asked if you were serious because when Umbridge finds out - which she probably will, no matter how discreet you two are - she will make sure that Tonks is at the very least suspended from active service, if not sacked for associating with a werewolf. I'm aware that life isn't easy for you and if you feel you couldn't cope with that kind of pressure, it's best to bow out now. Before things get serious and you both get hurt."

Remus felt a cold shiver pass over his skin. Now he understood. Unlike him, Kingsley had been thinking ahead, thinking about the future and the problems they might encounter: he was warning him in advance. He was giving him an opportunity to bow out gracefully. Remus knew that he should take this opportunity, for Tonks's sake, but he couldn't make the words come out. There was a burning in his chest, a voice that said, No. I won't give her up. Why should I? Why should I give up the one person who looks at me and sees something wonderful?

"I'm not giving her up for anyone," he answered. "Certainly not for a woman who thinks Cornelius Fudge can do no wrong. Let them make a fuss. Tonks knows there are more important things in life. And... if I gave her up, that would be admitting they were right, wouldn't it?"

Kingsley nodded and smiled briefly. "I thought you'd say that," he said. "But you understand why I had to give you the option."

"Oh yes," Remus said quietly, "I understand."

"Good." Kingsley put a hand on his shoulder. "I have to admit, I'm not totally objective on this. I'd love to see you two prove Umbridge wrong."

Surprised, Remus let out a brief laugh. Kingsley grinned and stabbed another slice of beef with his fork. "Better get back in there, or Sirius will come looking for us," he said, making it sound as if this were something fearful. Remus nodded and followed him back inside.

Not only was Kingsley discreet, he was wise, too.

the beatles and the bard, sea_thoughts, general

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