Working It Out

Jun 14, 2008 15:52

Title: Working It Out
Author: Merryb87
Prompts: "Think of what you're saying,
You can get it wrong and still you think that it's alright,
Think of what I'm saying,
We can work it out and get it straight, or say good-night."
We Can Work It Out, The Beatles
Word Count: 1143
Rating PG-13; Err because of the F word being used...
Summary: Ted wants to leave, and Remus comes back and gives him some advice on the matter.
Notes: Not many, I am proud with how this turned out, and I really enjoyed this Challenge! Thanks Mods

But I would like to give a HUGE thanks to my awesome beta tegdoh Because with out her this fic would be nothing more than a mess of words!

When Ted finally found his daughter, she was in the family room sitting in the corner of the couch, stretched out with her feet on the coffee table, and flipping through an old magazine. Ted knew that he had to tell her, and he knew that she might not take the news well, what with everything going on, the war, the pregnancy, her husband leaving. And now he was planning to leave. He approached her very carefully and took the seat next to her; they sat in silence for a few moments.

“Dora,” he finally broke the silence “I need to talk to you about something.” He watched her as she put the magazine down beside her and then look up at him, her dark eyes filled with tears, and he knew that this was going to be hard.

“What is it, Dad?” she asked, wondering if she was going to be delivered bad news or good.
Ted wished he could give her good news, but now that just seemed so impossible.
“I’m sure you read in the Prophet about the Muggle Born Registry that is going to take place right?” He asked, and then watched her nod her head, her eyes filled with momentary anger, and curiosity as she waited for Ted to finish “Because of that…” Ted wiped his sweaty palms on his legs “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, dear.”

“No, don’t finish that thought.” Dora interrupted him, and he looked up at her “I’ve heard it all before, ‘doing a lot of thinking’ means leaving.” She bit her lip and took a deep breath before she continued “I’ve heard it far too many times from Remus, please don’t…” She trailed off.

“I don’t want to Dora, but, it’s for the best, for you and your mother, and the baby.” It was still hard to come to terms with the fact that his little girl was going to have a baby. “I wish I didn’t have to, but it’s the only option.”

“No Dad, it’s not!” She yelled and stood up, but not before her foot knocked over the tea and spilled it all over the table “You and Remus are just the same! Thinking that the only way to keep us safe is to leave.”

“I have to agree with Dora on this one, Sir,” spoke a voice from behind. They turned around and there stood Remus, looking ragged. “Hello Dora, Ted. Andromeda let me in. She asked a question so don’t worry, I am me.”

Tonks made a sound like she was trying to hold back her tears as she walked right over to Remus and slapped him across the face “Don’t you dare tell me what you do and do not agree with you ignorant git! You have to right to put in your words of fucking wisdom, you sound like a sodding hypocrite.” Then she stormed off toward the stairs.

Remus turned back to Ted after watching his wife leave “I think I deserved that.” He added in a low voice, “And she’s right.” He took a seat on the couch and looked at Ted. “You don’t have to leave Ted, you’re just as safe here as you are out there.”

“It isn’t a matter of my safety Lupin, it’s a matter of hers, and my wife’s. I could die out there, I know and I’m ready, but they’ll come looking for me in a matter of days. The Death Eaters already got to us once. Without me here they may leave the girls alone.”

Remus nodded his head, “Understandable, but your daughter and I are already very high on the hit list, and it’s my understanding that Bellatrix has clear orders to, well as she put it, ‘prune the family tree’ They’ll come after all of us no matter if you are here or not.”

Ted was quiet for a moment before he spoke up. “Then why did you leave?” He asked his son-in-law angrily, his fist balled up on his trousers. “Tell me, why did you go and break Dora’s heart like that?”

Remus sighed, “Because I was scared.” He let out a feeble laugh “And yes I know, Gryffindor, not suppose to be scared, but I was making for a pretty lame lion.” He sighed again. “I was scared as to what was going to happen to Dora, and my child. I felt as though I ruined both their futures because of what I am. I never mean to hurt her, but I do, and I feel horrible for it.”

“So, then what made you come back?” Ted asked.

“I got a little bit of wisdom put into me by a young man” Remus smiled. “Told me that I should stay right here with my wife and child.” Remus looked at Ted, “He told me that no parent should his child unless he has too, unless all options are gone.” Remus looked thoughtful “So unless you’ve really thought this through, then I can only suggest you stay, for your family.”

Ted nodded “Alright, I’ll stay and think it through. But promise me, if I do decided to leave, that you’d stay and watch my girls for me? And my grandbaby that’s on the way?”

Remus smiled at Ted and nodded, “You have my word Ted, I’ll be here. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and find my wife, try and make it up to her.” Ted nodded and waved Remus off, then picked up the forgotten magazine and began to read.

It didn’t take long for Remus to find Dora. She was sitting on a chair against the wall, apparently listening to the entire conversation. “Is it true then? You’re going to stay, no matter what?”

“I’m sorry Dora, for everything.”

“I don’t need you to apologize; I need you to answer my question. Are you staying?”

“Yes, I am.”

Tonks stood up and hugged Remus, “I’m sorry for calling you an ignorant git, and a sodding hypocrite.”

“I deserved it love, you were right I had no right to say those things when I myself am guilty of them.”

“I’m still so angry at you.”

“I know, and you have every right to be.”

“We have a lot that needs to be worked out.” Tonks sniffed and wiped a stray tear away.

“If we listen to each other, it will all work out just fine.” Remus kissed her neck, and held her close, “I love you, Dora.”

Tonks pulled away and smiled at him through tears “You mean that?” He nodded and she kissed him, adding when they broke away “I love you too, even when you are being an ignorant git.”

He smiled at her, “You forgot sodding hypocrite.” She hit him playfully across the arm and her hair turned a vivid shade of pink.

the beatles and the bard, general, merryb87

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