Fic: By the Fireside

Jun 12, 2008 00:37

 Title: By the Fireside
Author: bookish_brownie
Rating and Warnings: PG for innuendo
Prompts: " the fireside/...Will you still need me, will you still feed me"- When I'm Sixty-Four; heat
Word Count: 1031
Summary: Sequel to "Never Enough." Tonks and Remus have their first date.
Author's Notes: I wanted to write a sequel to the first piece I wrote for this challenge. I'm sorry if it seems rushed. I've been having some trouble with it, and I'm leaving later today and won't have internet access until after the challenge ends. I hope you enjoy it anyway. I would especially love feed back on this because I'm planning on revising and expanding it when I get back.


Can’t make our dinner tonight. Have to stay late. But you’re welcome to come over to my flat for a while; I should be home around eight.

T (not N!)

P.S.- If you need a bribe, I am prepared to feed you.

She perused her note as the Ministry owl pecked her mercilessly. It hit the right note, she thought. Casual, but friendly.

And it betrayed nothing of how desperately she wanted him to take her up on her offer.

She had been surprised, to say the least, when Remus had told her he missed her and kissed her only a few days previously. She had hoped that their friendship was heading in a more romantic direction, but she had never expected Remus to make the first move.

She sent the vindictive owl off promptly, and within half an hour she received her reply.

N (I couldn’t help myself)-

I would be delighted to accept your offer.


P.S.- I think you should use a different owl next time; this one nearly chewed my fingers off.

P.P.S.- Would you be willing to feed both hungers I have?

Upon reading his final words, she immediately felt a hot flush rise to her cheeks. Could he mean…? It wasn’t that the idea was unappealing, but whatever new thing between them was too recent, and their friendship too important to risk by rushing into a physical relationship.

That night, as she was coming to her building, she slipped on the slightly icy cobbles and almost knocked someone over. He caught her arms and steadied her. She was about to thank him when she realized who it was. "Oh! Wotcher, Remus!"

"Hello, Nymphadora. Fancy seeing you here." He slid one hand down her arm to entwine his fingers with hers.

"We have good timing." She was suddenly reminded of his note and everything it implied. She was grateful to be able to blame her red cheeks on the cold. She needed to say something to relieve the tension that she was sure only she was experiencing. "Do your fingers still hurt?"

"No, not anymore." He turned to face her more fully, grinning. "I nicked some of your healing supplies from the medicine cabinet."

She grinned back. "I knew my clumsiness would come in handy eventually." They walked to the door of her building and he opened it for her.

She led him up the rickety old stairs that led to her flat. They went inside and removed their outerwear.

"Make yourself at home."

"You have no sofa."

"No. A sofa was an unimaginable luxury when I first moved here, and I got used to not having one." His speculatively raised eyebrow urged her to explain further. "My parents, well, mostly my mother, told me that I had to live at home through my three years of Auror training. I refused, so I moved out without any help from them." She shrugged to show that it wasn’t as big a deal as he seemed to think it was.

"I didn’t realize your relationship with your parents was so strained."

"It’s not anymore. After a few months, my mum reestablished contact with me. I usually went to dinner at home one or two nights a week if I could. Once she accepted that I wouldn’t suddenly change my mind and become a Healer, get married to a nice, respectable bloke and produce a few grandchildren, we’ve gotten along much better." He chuckled appreciatively while she focused on bringing over the butterbeers in one piece.

They both sat on brightly colored cushions in front of the fireplace, where flames that didn’t give out heat and smoke danced. "And you’re flat is very neat."

"You sound surprised."

"Well, I have seen the desk you keep papers in at Grimmauld, Nymphadora."

"I learned a long time ago that I trip a lot less if everything is in order. By the way, if you call me Nymphadora again, I won’t let you kiss me."

He leant forward so only a few inches separated them. "Ah, well, we can’t have that. What shall I call you instead?"

"Why not Tonks?"

He positively smirked. "Well, at first I just liked seeing your reaction." He moved even closer to whisper in her ear. "Besides, everyone calls you Tonks. I want to call you something special." He leaned back slightly and smiled genuinely at her.

What girl could argue with a statement like that?

"Well, I guess you could call me Dora."

"Dora. I like that." For a few minutes, they sipped their butterbeers in comfortable silence. "Now, I believe you promised to feed me."

When her cheeks flamed hotter than the fire in the grate, Remus’ smile turned sheepish. "I hope you didn’t get the wrong idea from my note. Sometimes my Marauder side takes over."

"No harm done."

"I only meant that I’ve been looking forward to our date and spending time alone with you." The nerves that she had felt all day simmered away, leaving only a mass of fluttering sensations in their wake.

"Oh, me too." Their mouths met and there was heat in the kiss. But it was a controlled heat, more like the soft warmth of a non-magical fire. "I’m glad you decided to come over."

"I am also, but I haven’t eaten since lunch."

"Fine, I’ll feed you, but I hope you weren’t expecting a three-course supper." She levitated some packages of crisps to where they were sitting.

"Of course not. I really came for the company." He smiled charmingly in a way she couldn’t resist, and she was reminded once again of how all the girls must have swooned over him without his knowledge.

They talked and laughed for the rest of the evening. She found herself surprised by how little things had actually changed between them. The only real differences were that, instead of working together to cheer Sirius up, they were alone and they stole occasional kisses among their conversation. She hadn’t known that dates could be so easy and relaxed, but she had never dated Remus Lupin.

Now she had only to look forward to discovering new possibilities with him in the future.

The End

the beatles and the bard, romance, bookish_brownie

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