Fic: All Is Well

Jun 09, 2008 11:35

 Title: All Is Well
Author: bookish_brownie
Rating & Warnings: light PG-13 for innuendo and very minor adult content
Prompts: "You can knit a sweater..."- When I'm Sixty-Four
Word Count: 1156
Summary: AU. Set in the "Nineteen Years Later" era. Remus and Tonks are interrupted during a quiet day at home.
Author's Notes: This is a shameless denial fic and a scene that I've wanted to write for a long time. It's a little more physical than I normally write, but I think it came out all right. Also, in my personal AU in which Remus and Tonks live they have two more children, Maura, 16, and Rhiannon (Rhia), 10. Any comments are appreciated.

"Dora, what are you doing?"

She felt a flush rise in her cheeks. "Knitting," she ground out.

"Ah, I see. May I ask what you’re knitting?"

"A sweater. Molly hasn’t given up on domesticating me yet."

"How silly of her." She could see that the smug git was fighting desperately not to laugh. She glared at him and poked him in the shoulder.

"Yes, let’s all laugh at poor Dora and her ineptitude."

"I’m sorry, love, but can you blame me for seeing the humor in situation?" He plucked at a piece of rainbow-colored yarn that had somehow wrapped itself around her neck.

She was forced to admit defeat. "At least it looks better than the last one." She indicated her handiwork, which resembled a very long, very wide sock.

"Indeed, it does." He pulled her up from the chair and helped her unravel herself. "But I wouldn’t despair if I were you. After all, you have many other fine qualities."

"Hmm. Like what?"

Wrapping his arms around her, he whispered in her ear, "Humor. Kindness. Loyalty. Bravery." He accented each trait with a kiss.

He proceeded to lead her over to the settee and commence kissing her neck. "Remus," she whispered through a sharply in drawn breath. "It’s the middle of the afternoon."

He looked up, grinning impishly. "Yes, and Teddy has his own flat, Maura’s at Hogwarts, and Rhia is spending the weekend with your mother. It’s almost summer; we don’t have many interruption-free days left."

"Good point," she sighed as she lay back. He stretched over her and twined his fingers into her hair. Pulling his mouth to hers, she kissed him thoroughly.

She let herself drift in the waves of sensation that were so familiar and yet utterly new every time. Sometimes she really couldn’t believe that they had been married for twenty years. They still had their issues of course, but they were happy, truly happy in a way that no fairy tale could ever match.

Remus removed his hands from her hair and slid them down her back before slipping them into her shirt and running them along the warm skin underneath. Meanwhile, Dora caressed his face rubbed her fingers across his cheeks and forehead.

They barely heard someone clearing his throat behind them. "Now, now, this is hardly behavior befitting a distinguished Auror and a Hogwarts professor, is it?" They both sat up so quickly that they banged their foreheads together. Standing in front of them was Teddy, who, despite looking distinctly queasy, still managed to smirk.

Still rubbing her sore head, she replied, "I will not have judgment passed on me by my son, who I have caught in the same position several times. Besides, we may be old, but we’re not dead." Teddy had the grace to duck his head sheepishly, but his mirth was not restrained.

She wasn’t really upset with him, but his mischief-making heritage shone through on a variety of occasions. Fortunately for him, he had inherited his father’s ability to adopt a look of pure innocence at a moment’s notice.

"Sorry, Mum, but I do come bearing news." He paused for dramatic effect. "I’m the newest reporter for the Daily Prophet. I just got promoted today."

Dora jumped up from the sofa with quite uncharacteristic grace and ran to hug her son. "Congratulations, Teddy, and after only a year!" The Daily Prophet, like everything else in the Wizarding world, had made great progress after the Second War. It was now one of the best regarded Wizard newspapers.

"Mum! For the last time, call me Ted. I’m an adult now, and Teddy’s a baby name. You of all people should understand."

"Sorry, Teddy, but I have a mother’s prerogative to call you anything I want." Under her breath she added, "I can’t believe I understand my mother now."

As Teddy stepped out of his mother’s embrace, Remus shook his hand. "I’m proud of you, Ted." Father and son grinned at each other. "You’ve done good work so far as a copy editor, and they should be happy to have you."

"Once your sister and Victoire are home we should have everyone here to celebrate."

"Victoire?" He sounded unaccountably nervous.

"She is still your girlfriend, isn’t she?"

Teddy tugged at his hair and began to blush. "Yeah, of course, but really, mum, it’s all right. You don’t need to do anything."

"Nonsense. I know you don’t like the spotlight on you. It’ll just be a gathering of our friends and family, nothing fancy." He seemed moderately relieved by that.

"Well, thanks. I have to go now. I’ll probably see you sometime this week." With that he left.

"He was acting oddly about Victoire, don’t you think?" They rearranged themselves back on the sofa.

"Yes, but I have some idea why." He paused and she gave him a look that urged him to go on. "The other day when he came to dinner I heard him practicing a speech in the bathroom. Now, I have no idea why he didn’t do this in the privacy of his own flat unless he subconsciously wanted one of us to hear him. Anyway, he wants to give her a promise ring."

"Wow." She hadn’t known that Teddy and Victoire were quite that serious; and she secretly believed that her son was far too young to take such a step, even if it wasn’t really an engagement.

"I was a little surprised myself, but I think it’s a nice gesture." She supposed it was. She still wasn’t entirely pleased, but she could get used to the idea. It was then that she noticed something odd about her husband’s eyes.

"Remus Lupin, are you crying?"

"No, I’m not."

"Yes, you are."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am-. Wait, are we twelve? The point is that I was not crying." He folded his arms over his chest and stared at her, just daring her to contradict him.

"A: there’s nothing wrong with acting like a twelve-year-old at times. And B: you were crying, you old softie." She matched his pose, and he relented.

"All right, I was, but only a little." He put his arms around her and kissed the crown of her head. "But we’ve done well for ourselves, Dora. I spent so long fearing that our family would be shunned, that any connection with me would ruin your lives. But we’re here, and I have everything I ever could have wanted. I have the right to be a little emotional."

"You’re right. We are unbelievably lucky." She stood abruptly, her soft smile becoming a devilish grin. "But, you know, our only interruption left. I’m prepared to resume our previous activities if you are."

"Oh, I might be persuaded." Suddenly, he was standing next to her. She squealed as he picked her up and began to carry her up the stairs. They made their way to their bedroom, laughing all the way.

The End

the beatles and the bard, romance, bookish_brownie, alternate universe

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