Title: Of Magpies and Mirth
Author: ModestyRabnott
Prompts: A Demiguise, Myrtle's Bathroom, A Day of Fortune, Action/Adventure
Rating and warnings: All Audiences
Word Count: 2946
Summary: On a preliminary assignment for the Order, Remus makes a new acquaintance.
Author’s Notes: A very special thanks to
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Comments 14
I also love the premis of this story, very believable first meeting for them. Great job!
I particularly liked the bit with Tonks feeling sorry for the demiguise - so very few people make her caring, and yet she must be to do what she does.
Very nicely done - and not an easy set of prompts ;).
I loved it. Such a funny take on their first meeting.
Love the end: “I like you, Remus Lupin.” It was a proclamation of the most definitive sort. He got the impression that once she made her mind up about something she was unlikely to change it. And this made the comment all the more flattering.
He wasn’t sure what his response should be, so he resumed teasing tone which had worked well with her thus far. “Is that so?”
“Yeah, I do.You seemed like a bit of a boffin at first, but I’ve changed my mind. You’re fun.”
“Well, I like you as well, Nym- er, Ms. Tonks.” And he did. She was a breath of fresh air. And he couldn’t wait to witness her reception by certain Order members. Something to look forward to indeed.
That was great. You should, if you can with your next round of prompts, with the Order's reaction to her. =)
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