Kissing and Dancing

Dec 25, 2007 01:38

Title: Kissing and Dancing
Author : Merryb87
Rating: PG
Prompts: mince pies &

"Time for parties and celebration
People dancing all night long
Time for presents
And exchanging kisses
Time for singing Christmas songs"

-- Merry Christmas Everyone - Shakin’ Stevens

Words: 1410
Summary : Remus listens in to Teddy and Tonks looking over old photographs and sharing memories after he slept through Christmas after the full moon. Post DH, a year before the Epilogue. AU, as Remus and Tonks are very much alive.

Authors Note: Huge thanks to my Beta,
phoenixneal  !

Remus walked into his house just as the sun came over the horizon, just as the sky turned gray and the air around was at it’s coldest. He shut the door and rubbed his hands together as he made his way to the chair in front of the fire. Dora had gotten up just minutes ago to start it again, for him. He smiled; she always tried to make the day after the full moon as relaxing as she could. He leaned back and put his feet up it wasn’t long before he was fast asleep.

Remus woke up before he opened his eyes. He tired to discover what was going on around him with out having to peek. He was warm; Dora must have put the warmest blanket they had on him, and she kept the fire going. He could also make out voices; it took him a minute to realize that they belonged to his wife and adult son. Very slowly he opened his eyes; he had to blink a couple of times to get used to the brightness. He took a quick look out the window and realized he slept all day, it was dark outside-he had slept all day. He sighed sadly, angry at him self. The full moons where getting harder and harder on him as he got on in years. He had slept through Christmas.

He looked over at his small family. Teddy, and Dora where sitting by the tree, a box and a couple of albums where opened next to them, along with mugs filled with hot chocolate, and plates with crumbs. Remus looked at the table beside him and noticed that he too, had a mug and a plate, only his was filled with a large slice of mince pie. He slowly reached up and took a sip of the drink and then settled back down. Neither Teddy nor Dora seemed notice the movement, so he continued to watch, not wanting to interrupt just yet.

“Mum, there is no way in hell I’m letting you frame that one…”
    “I can frame whatever one I want,” Dora laughed. She took the photo that Teddy was holding. “Look at you shaking that little butt of yours! You had the cutest little bum!”
    “And what if I have Victoire over? And she sees it?”
    “Oh, that’s right,” Dora put the photo down smiling. “That’s the photo I have to enlarge and show to everyone on your wedding day.” Teddy paled, his hair going from its bright green to stark white. Dora laughed, and Remus tried his best not too. Dora picked up another one. “Oh here is one of you and Daddy!”
    Teddy leaned over and looked it. “How old was I?”
    “You couldn’t have been more than six,” Dora smiled fondly at the photo.  “Daddy always dressed as Santa, for you when you where younger. Remember?”
    Remus smiled, he remembered that very well. Harry told Teddy all about Father Christmas one year, and Teddy came home very excited, telling them how he was going to do everything he was supposed to. He even tried to stay up all night on Christmas Eve so he could catch a glimpse of the mysterious man. When he didn’t see him, Teddy got very upset. After that Remus charmed himself a costume and dressed up every year until Teddy was about nine and half and then he lost interest.

“Oh look! Here is one of you and Harry, right after the war,” Dora interrupted Remus's thoughts and Remus kept watching his family. “Look at you splashing about, getting soap everywhere.”
    “What was up with you and Dad taking pictures of me naked?”
    “You were a cute naked baby, we couldn’t help it,” Dora laughed and put the picture in a separate pile. “I’ll give that one to Harry, he and Ginny will love it.”
    “Mum! That one is worse than the other one you wanted to frame! They’d hang it up, then James and Al will try and use it for blackmail.” Teddy said horrified, but he was laughing.
    Dora rolled her eyes, “You’re so dramatic!” She smiled and put the picture aside and tried to look for another one to show off.

“Oh, Mum, look- you and Dad.” Teddy handed Dora a picture. “Looks like another Christmas one, from a long time.”
    Dora smiled fondly. “I remember that. this was the first Christmas after I met your father. We first started dating that October.” Dora placed the photograph down and Remus was able to catch a glimpse. The picture was of him and his wife-girlfriend, at the time- dancing to the Christmas music that was playing over the wireless and giving one another a kiss every now and then.
    “That December,” Dora kept remembering, “Christmas time, was the first time your father told me he loved me.”
    “I thought you and Dad, had a falling out?” Teddy questioned, picking a crumb off the plate and eating it.
    “That was the year after. Your father had a mission, with the ferals, and after his first week he came back and decided that I was too good for him. He said I deserved better so he called it off.” She smiled sadly.
    Remus closed his eyes and shuddered. That was a memory he didn’t like recalling. He made himself believe that the look on her face was one of relief, instead of heartbreak. He remembered the conversation that they had just as though it were yesterday. “…Too old, too poor, and far too dangerous, I was silly in thinking I could be with you.” “I don’t care! I love you Remus, please don’t do this, stay here! …” He just remembered walking away after that, trying to shut out her sobs, telling himself that they weren’t real, that no one could possibility ever cry for him like that.

“But me and Daddy are okay now, happily married, and have a beautiful son,” Dora smiled and laughed.
    Teddy stood up then stretching out his limbs, letting out a laugh. “This was lovely, Mum, but I should get going. The party started an hour ago and I promised little Lily a dance.”
    Dora stood up with him and handed him his jacket.  Giving him a kiss on the cheek, she said,  “Right, tell everyone we give them our best, and that we’ll see them before the New Year.”
    “I’ll be sure to do that. I’ll be back in the morning to exchange gifts. Hopefully Dad will be feeling better.”
    “He should be,” Dora said, as she wrapped Teddy’s scarf around his neck. “I’m sure he feels awful for missing Christmas,” She sighed, giving him another kiss on his other cheek. “Stay warm, don’t walk too far before you disapparate.” She walked him to the door.
    “Yes, Mum,” He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Give Dad my best.” She nodded and Teddy left shutting the door behind him.

Remus then heard Dora walk back to where they were sitting. She took out her wand and vanished the used dishes, and put all the photos away, except for the ones that were neatly piled on the floor. She then turned to Remus, who quickly shut his eyes again.
    “All right, Sleepy, you can stop pretending now, I know you’re awake,”
Remus sat up looked at her, “How long have you known?”
    “Since you took that drink from your mug, I just played along with you,” Dora said as she settled down next to Remus and cuddled close. “Eat some of your pie, you look famished.”
    “I will in a bit.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “Sorry I slept through Christmas.”
    “Don’t be, we understand.” She gave him a kiss, “We’re just glad you’re okay.”
Remus stood up then taking Dora with him. She yelped in surprise. “Love! What are you doing?” She half- scolded half- giggled.
    He smiled back at her, hugging her close, swaying their bodies together, “Dancing with my wife, can’t you tell?”
    “There isn’t any music playing!” She laughed, but still held him close.
    “We don’t need any.” He said softly, giving her another deeper, kiss.
    “You really should eat something…you look famished.” She responded, when they broke apart, her voice low and lazy. She rested her head on his shoulder.
    “Later, my Love.Let me enjoy this moment a little while longer.”

romance, winter wonderland advent, general, merryb87

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