A Christmas Dream

Dec 11, 2007 11:42

Title: A Christmas Dream
Author: rosedemon
Rating & Warnings: G
Icing a cake

"Hark how the bells,
sweet silver bells,
all seem to say,
throw cares away
Christmas is here,
bringing good cheer,
to young and old,
meek and the bold."
-- Carol of the Bells - Peter Wilhousky

Word Count: 2750
Summary: Tonks is disappointed that Christmas plans with Remus have been changed and goes to bed sulking.
Author’s Notes: I am terrible at summaries. Let’s just say it is a fairy tale, a fluffy one. I hope you enjoy it.

December 23rd

My Dear Tonks,

I am sorry but I will not be able to make it to your parent’s house in time for Christmas. As you may know, there are pressing matters at hand that require my attention.

As always


Tonks read the note repeatedly with a compulsion that almost unnerved even her. She tossed to the side of the bed and groaned. She had hoped Remus would make the effort and spend the Yule holidays with her. He had not flinched at the offer and seemed to like the idea. Now the note from him burned frustration in her. Leave it to Remus to disappoint her once again. There was always a good excuse she could grant him that. However, in some ways she wished she was Harry. Then at least she could have Remus’ full interest all of the time.

She cast an eye at the nightstand. Mother had left her a cup of hot cocoa with a little whip cream floating on top. If she knew her mother, a sleeping potion was also in that cup. Any other time Tonks would be furious at her mother’s heavy-handed attempts at easing her pain. Of course, she would be fretting all night over Remus’ indifference towards her and his lack of wanting to spend time with her. Mother would naturally feel a sleeping brew was in order for her. A little something to soothe the hurt and make her sleep, Tonks was sure that was her mother’s plan.

The cocoa did smell scrumptious Tonks thought as she took the cup into her hands. Mother is good about disguising the taste of the herbs. She sipped a bit of the liquid and felt its warmth travel through her body. She settled back into the bed and pulled the covers up.

“At least I will sleep well tonight,” she said to herself in a sulky tone, “even if it is alone.”


Tonks bolted up in bed when she heard the noise outside her window. She tried to squint in the dark to see what had caused the sound. For a second time she not only heard the noise but saw what caused it. She gasped as snowball exploded on one of the panes of the window.

Tonks jumped from her bed and ran to the window. With a bit of struggle, she opened the window and peered out. There, standing in the backyard, stood a familiar sight clothed in a worn overcoat and a red and gold house scarf thrown casually about his neck. He stood with one arm behind him, as if he were hiding something.

“Remus!” she cried in delight.

Remus raised a finger to his lips to signal for quiet but barely able to contain a smile at her joyful expression. “Can you come down for a bit?” he asked in a raspy whisper. “I’ve something to show you.”

“Can I?” she said, with excitement in her voice. “I’ll be down as soon as I am dressed.”

“Oh, wait,” Remus said as he slowly pulled his arm from back to reveal what he was holding. A box, brightly covered in foil wrapping paper glittered in his hand.

“I’ll send it up,” he said as it floated toward the window. “I think you’ll find it in your size.”

Tonks eagerly grabbed the box as it floated close to the window. She placed the box on her bed and hurriedly ripped the paper off. Inside was a beautiful green velveteen jacket and long sweeping skirt to match, all trimmed in white fur. She took the jacket out of the box and was surprised to find a white fur muff with a gold strap was underneath. She ran to the mirror and held the jacket up in front of her.

“Gorgeous,” she sighed. “And it looks like it will fit.”

She could hardly remember dressing. She barely could recall how she managed to make it down the stairs past her parent’s bedroom without waking them. All Tonks could remember was opening the door and dashing to Remus to his wide-open arm. She threw her arms around is neck and kissed him passionately.

Remus slowly pulled her away. Holding her hands in his, he stood back. Holding her at arm’s length, a wicked little smile crept across his face. “The set seems to fit you well. Very well, indeed. I will have to let the seamstress know what a good job she did.”

He titled his head toward the sleigh. “We should be leaving now. We don’t have much time.”

Remus clutched Tonk’s hand and guided her through the trees to a clearing. She was charmed to find a red sleigh with two fine white horses hitched to it. The horses stood side by side in their harness, shaking their heads and manes free of snow. Covering the horse’s bridles were hundreds of tiny silver bells tinkling with the every move the horses made.

“After you,” Remus said as he led her to the sleigh. He gave her a wink. “There is a blanket for us but I suggest you should use your muff and keep your hands warm. I don’t want them to be cold.”

She giggled at the remark as she sat down on the sleigh’s bench. Remus covered her with a bright red plaid blanket. He took the reins of the horses in his hand and gently thumped them on the side of the sleigh. The horses began to canter briskly through the snow. Tonks glanced about as they raced past the homes of her neighborhood. She squealed in delight as she realized the sleigh had lifted off the ground and was making its way northward through the winter sky.

Tonks wove her arm through Remus’ arm as she glanced over the side of the sleigh. There was a golden glow coming from the streetlights and the houses. Snow had enveloped the rooftops. From the heights they were sailing, the snow looked more like icing on a cake. Just like tiny teacakes on a platter that one might present for company, she marveled. Soon the lights of the city faded and were replaced with the shimmer of ice hanging from trees in an unknown forest. About the ground, there was the pristine glisten of freshly fallen snow. A star studded hovered over them, gracing them with bright pinpoints of lights. They seemed to be sparkling in rhythm with the jingle of the bells. It was then she noticed that the bells were not merely ringing but indeed singing.

"Hark how the bells,
sweet silver bells,
all seem to say,
throw cares away”

Tonks snuggled close to Remus. “This is wonderful. But, you haven’t mentioned where we are going.”

“Ah, now that is the surprise.”

She laughed. “It was a surprise to find you underneath my window. I thought you said you couldn’t make it.”

“At first it did look that way,” Remus said in a bemused manner. “But things cleared up a bit so that I could get away. My duties completed, I borrowed my friend’s sleigh for the night. Now, I suggest you look over there. See, the hill over there. Watch.”

Over a hill, she could see the lights of the aurora dancing. Violet, green and purple streaks raced through the sky and about the sleigh. Tonks tried to reach out and try to catch one but the lights slipped through her hand. She smiled as she heard the bells continue their song.

“Christmas is here,
bringing good cheer,
to young and old,
meek and the bold."

The sleigh rose slightly as it cleared the hill and she could hardly believe what she was seeing. A palace made of ice, glowing in the rainbow of the aurora. Larger than some great castles she had seen in her travels, the palace dwarfed the surrounding forest. As they flew closer, Tonks could see intricate carvings of mythical animals and warriors on its outside walls. The windows were large and grand, some with wide porches on them. All the time they drew closer, the bells continued their singing.

“Merry, merry merry merry Christmas.
Merry merry merry merry Christmas.”

Remus squeezed her hand gently. “Now get ready to land. Might be a bit bumpy because I haven’t mastered the art of them yet.”

Tonks huddled closer to him in anticipation that made her heart race. The horses slowed their pace as Remus drew the reins back. After a long sweeping turn, the sleigh gently came to rest in front of the ice palace. Remus jumped out of the sleigh and guided Tonks carefully out.

“Oh Remus,” she sighed, “However did you ever find this? It is so beautiful.”

“It is rather nice, isn’t it?” he agreed as he offered his arm to her. “Let’s just say it belongs to a friend. Nice place to get away from the cares of the world. Quiet and elegant. Not cold like you would think, but quite warm and welcoming inside.”

He grew thoughtful for a moment. “It is a like a sanctuary, in which midnight suns make full moons disappear. I can feel comfortable here, with no fear of what the night will bring.”

She turned toward him. “Can we go in?”

“Of course my dear Tonks,” he replied. “That is why we are here.”

They walked silently down a path; the only sound was the snow as it crunched under their feet. As they neared the double doors of the palace, Tonks could hear a groaning coming from within. The doors slowly opened revealing the entrance of a long ice hallway.

Candles were flickering in the hallway, some surrounded by boughs of evergreens others wrapped in ribbons with holly leaves. As they came to the end of the hallway, a huge ballroom appeared. At the ceiling, a domed window covered the room, giving them a spectacular view of the evening sky. The ballroom was bathed in the light of tiny white lights reflecting off the ice walls and creating a wonderful glow.

Tonks stared in awe at her surroundings. She clapped her hands, laughed and then gave a small twirl in the middle of the ballroom.

“This is the most marvelous place I have ever seen,” she said. She held her arms out to Remus. “This evening has been a wonderful gift.”

“Oh you think this is the present?” he laughed as he shook his head. “My girl, you do so sell yourself short. Come with me.”

Remus took her hand and led her down a short corridor in which at the end was a single white door. He placed his hand on the knob and threw open the door. The room inside had a large white stone hearth complete with a roaring fire. Red velvet draperies hung from the ceiling to the floor with bright gold ropes holding them back to reveal the ice windows. And in the center of the room was a large bed with a green patchwork comforter and several pillows in white, gold and red. By the side of the bed were a silver bucket, filled with ice and a bottle of champagne sticking out. On the table stood two fluted glasses, surrounded by a variety of chocolates and fresh strawberries.

“Oh Remus,” she gasped. “This is so grand!”

“I thought this might please you,” he announced as he ushered her in. “It is only the guest room. The master bedroom is on the other side of the ballroom. Now that is quite grand, but it is my friend‘s room. This is where he lets me stay.”

Remus walked to her and took both of her hands in his. He kissed her forehead. “I know, I know. You had made plans for us to be at your parents’ home. Really what I wanted for Christmas was to spend a romantic evening with you and you alone. I thought you might stay with me tonight.”

She leaned her head back and smiled. “You did?”

He kissed her cheek. “I could have you back in the morning.”

“I don’t think we have to hurry on that. What will your friend think of you having company?”

“Don’t think he’ll mind. He is a bit busy tonight. He is expected by many on Christmas Eve. Can‘t disappoint anyone, you see.”

“And I won’t get cold here? It is a room made of ice, you know.”

“I will guarantee you won’t get cold. In fact, if we are not careful, we might melt the whole place down by morning.”

Remus slid his arm about her waist and squeezed her tightly. She could feel his heartbeat through his coat and could feel his warm breath on her neck. “So are you staying?”

“Yes,” she answered lifting her chin and closing her eyes. “I am staying.”

His lips hovered over hers as he whispered. “That is fine, then. Merry Christmas, Miss Nymphadora Tonks.”

Tonks slammed her hand down hard on the buzzer of the alarm clock. She moaned as she rolled onto her back and rubbed her eyes. Christmas morning. At least she had not missed it. One of Mother’s sleeping potions could make you miss something if you were not careful to sip only a bit of it. Mother put Dad to sleep for a week one time, although Tonks was not quite sure it had not been on purpose.

Moreover, obviously the potion had an odd effect on dreaming, Tonks mused. Made them vivid and ever so real. And made one’s dream rather, well, sexy. Vividly sexy. Tonks shuddered. It had to be the potion, she had never dreamed like this before. Although she had to remember some of what happened because it was incredibly pleasurable. Maybe even try some of it out in the real life the next time she and Remus were together.

Tonks turned on her side and buried her face into the pillow. She would have to get up in a few minutes and face the family and the whole holiday with a pornographic dream re-playing in head. This was going to make for an odd holiday that she would have to manage. A few minutes more in bed was not going to hurt anything she reasoned. She checked the time on the clock to see how long she could remain. That is when she saw it.

A tiny silver bell sat on the nightstand next to the alarm clock. Tonks lifted herself up on one elbow and gently picked up the bell. As she did it rang out the chorus of a carol she knew so well.

"Hark how the bells,
sweet silver bells,
all seem to say,
throw cares away.”

Tonks slowly turned her head and cast her eyes to the chair next to her bed. There, casually tossed onto the chair, was a green velvet jacket and long skirt to match, trimmed in a white fur. Cautiously, she moved to the edge of the bed and leaned over to pick up the skirt’s hem. It was cold and damp, as if it had been dragged through, perhaps, snow.

From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the cup that held the cocoa. She picked it up and sniffed at it. Maybe she over-estimated her Mother’s concern. Perhaps the reason she never could smell a sleeping potion in the cocoa was that there never was any in it in the first place.

Tonks rose up from the bed and walked to the window that filled with frost etchings. A small patch of window had not frosted over and Tonks peered through it. She could see down to the backyard where two impressions in the snow lay side by side. Almost as if, the runners of a sleigh had made them. Further away the marks in the snow were rounded and in groups of four. As if a team of horses had been in front of the runners. Her eyes followed the impressions until they suddenly disappeared from the snow.

Tonks giggled to herself. “You crafty one, Remus. You made me think you weren’t coming. Yeah, for an old man you still have some tricks in your pocket that can take a girl by surprise.”

She walked back to the bed and sat down, cradling the silver bell in the palm of her hand.

“Merry Christmas to you Mr. Remus Lupin,” she whispered. “A very Merry Christmas, indeed.”

romance, winter wonderland advent, rosedemon

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