I made it...barely

Oct 15, 2007 02:18

Title:The Cabin
Author: freakinwinky
Word Count:5,500
Summary: Dumbledore suspects that an Inn in Ireland is housing a stronghold for the Dark Arts. When Remus and Tonks go undercover to inspect it, they quickly learn that not all is as it seems.
Raitings and Warnings:PG-13 language and slight inuendo
Prompts A Day of Wonderment, Supernatural, Mad cap Magic ( Read more... )

freakinwinky, all hallows' moon jumble, supernatural

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Comments 24

katyscarlett76 October 15 2007, 18:47:57 UTC
That was fab! I really liked it! The illusion guy was totally freaking me out! I was like "aaargh noooo1 Don't believe it!!" and then I was saying "It's not real" right along with them. I thought the build up was great with the newspaper story and everything, I really stated to worry about what might happen to them! It didn't seem rushed at all and I thought the

“Chapter four,” he answered. “I suppose you’ll be wanting that copy now?”
was a nice touch, I like cocky Remus :)

A great take on the prompts, well done!


freakinwinky October 16 2007, 02:40:33 UTC
Well, thank you very much! After all the work I put into this one, and my mixed feelings about the final product, it's very nice to know that someone enjoyed it. And I'm glad you think it wasn't too rushed. That was what I was most worried about I think. Thanks for reading!


jessickuh October 16 2007, 03:26:44 UTC
The story was really creeping me out when someone came up behind me and called my name as I was reading. I think I jumped a foot up in the air. This was fanbloodytastic.


freakinwinky October 16 2007, 04:46:41 UTC
Thanks very much! I'm flattered that my story had that affect (as it is a super natural suspense type thing...I suppose creeping people out is what it should do);) Thanks for reading and I'm very glad you liked it!


merryb87 October 16 2007, 06:00:05 UTC
I've been lurking here this past month reading all these wonderful stories, and I have to admit that this is one of my favorites, because it really had me scared and worried for a moment! Very well done.

However I just really have to point this out, I really don't think you meant to do it but there are only 30 days in September, not 31. Maybe you meant the date to be in October? Or was this apart of the whole illusion of the story? :)


freakinwinky October 16 2007, 06:06:26 UTC
Thanks for that note. I've changed it. Yeah...this is what happens when you finish a story at two o'clock in the morning :). I'm very glad you liked it and am quite flattered that you consider it to be one of your favorites. Thanks for reading!


pinkhairedauror October 16 2007, 16:48:31 UTC

I so love the way the realisation is creeping up on him and he's fighting but not quite. And how he appreciates the real natural Tonks, who's just being herself, but the... 'eager' illusion just put him on his guard! *nodnod*

And how she totally brought out the Marauder in him.

And wow, the fact that the keeper's body disintegrated itself was... powerful.

Thank you for writing and posting that! It's great, really.


freakinwinky October 16 2007, 21:38:54 UTC
Why thank you! I was quite afraid that their relationship would not be quite obvious enough as they are not in the "Romantic phase" quite yet. I'm glad it seemed genuine and in character for you.

Thanks for reviewing and I'm glad you liked it!


godricgal October 18 2007, 12:20:56 UTC
I really enjoyed this. It's a wonderful use of the supernatural genre -- one that cannot be easy, and you created a believable scenario within the HP world as we know it. I really love the idea of the book being Remus' secret weapon against Dark Arts, and you brought it back perfectly at the end there.


freakinwinky October 18 2007, 18:19:22 UTC
Thank you very much! It's my first venture into the supernatural in fanfic and I'm very glad you think I pulled it off. The book was a difficult prompt to get in, but I'm glad I did it in the end. Thanks for reading, I'm glad you liked it!


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