How the heck is it already June? alskdjf I guess that means it's time for 30 in 30 round III.
I had planned on working out some system of posting or topics or anything so that these 30 posts wouldn't want to make me or my flist want to shoot themselves, but I didn't. So you get random crap again. ARE YOU EXCITED?!
Actually, I think I'm going to be very simple this year. I'm just doing a picture of the day with a bit of an explanation behind it. Maybe if I get more motivated later I'll try harder, but c'mon guys, this is me.
These are the flowers that someone at work gave me! They are from his garden. And before you are like "Flowers, huh? *wink wink*" let me tell you: he is like twice my age and married and NO. He gave them to me because I did his work for him. It was tedious and annoying and I was a little bitchy about it, so he gave them to me for being nice.
I did get teased a lot about it though. Plus, my sister used to be his boss, so that added an interesting shade to the teasing. Most of it was the other guy on the team teasing Nick (the one who got me flowers) about me, and Nick teasing him about Prit. Because apparently he was Prit's "favorite" and they had lunch together and didn't invite anyone else so that's "interesting." And it escalated to "Where'd you go for lunch? Motel 6?" and "All I know is that I'm still hungry." I could probably go without hearing innuendo jokes involving my sister, just so everyone knows.