My Political Science class has this digital textbook in CD-ROM form. It's called Open to Debate: An Introduction to United States Government and Politics. And it's pretty much the best textbook I've ever read. EVER.
*closet => was that your typo, or the books? SEE, IT CONFUSED ME. I couldn't tell if that was supposed to be part of the funny? ^__^
Hahaha, killer bees. Oh dear. And also, everything reminds me of The X-Files these days.
Oh man, I totally agree with you. The author(s) is/are completely like, ex-pot-smoking-tattooed-college-students. (Not that they don't still smoke pot, they're just not undergrads anymore. Erm, I hope.) That was amusing. I'm thinking of that awesome Colbert thing where he was talking about "colored" people with tattoos...... and took off his shirt to show off his "tattoo". Omg amazing
how did that text book ever make it past any kind of editor? it seems more like a collection of random thoughts, and not even intelligent ones. wtf, man.
p.s. in third grade they told us the killer bees were going to come all the way up to chicago from texas. and by they i mean the media. i was afraid, but i'm afraid of everything anyway.
I wouldn't doubt that they didn't even have an editor. They probably sat around and typed up stuff and then made it a data cd, honestly.
Well the media definitely must have profitted from scaring third graders, and the Killer Bees Are Evil! organization probably had a large increase in members.
Comments 19
Hahaha, killer bees. Oh dear. And also, everything reminds me of The X-Files these days.
Oh man, I totally agree with you. The author(s) is/are completely like, ex-pot-smoking-tattooed-college-students. (Not that they don't still smoke pot, they're just not undergrads anymore. Erm, I hope.) That was amusing.
Nope, fully certified Political Science professors. *sighs*
I am of questionable moral character.
LOL 1991
p.s. in third grade they told us the killer bees were going to come all the way up to chicago from texas. and by they i mean the media. i was afraid, but i'm afraid of everything anyway.
Well the media definitely must have profitted from scaring third graders, and the Killer Bees Are Evil! organization probably had a large increase in members.
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