
Oct 18, 2006 03:24

The LJ clock is off again. I don't even know what time zone it's in. the one before Greenwich?

I love memes like this, but none of you guys seem to. Um. Oh well, I'll try again. Maybe I'll get some responses. Stolen from bitter_crimson.

MEME: Give me A WORD or THEME and I'll compile a mini-SONGSPAM from it. Around 4-5 songs for each topic, I think. ( Read more... )

work: caribou, tv: veronica mars, fandom: heroes, posts: meme whoring

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Comments 33

dragonnite55555 October 18 2006, 03:57:07 UTC
M'kay...so I can't remember most of the characters' names. Oops. *failz* And I told you you were much better at predicting stuff than I am. I generally just go with the flow and don't think about stuff. Unless it's just like finding subtext. Which is very different.

Yay! for tips! If you lived/worked closer to me, I'd totally go there and order something even though I don't like coffee not made by my mom/grandmother/me and give you big tips!


metalphoenix October 19 2006, 05:57:21 UTC
Peter = brother of the mayor guy who talks to future!Hiro at the end.
Isaac = artist who can paint the future
Weiss = Actually the actor's name on Alias, but I don't know his name on this show... the cop who can hear thoughts.

But yeah, I don't think I'm that much better at predicting stuff.. I just take guesses and sometimes they're right!

Aww thanks. Though, I feel obligated to inform you that Caribou has non-coffee drinks.. such as smoothies and hot chocolate and teas, etc. *has had suggestive selling drilled into head*


dragonnite55555 October 19 2006, 18:40:17 UTC
Weiss was one of the characters that I got. Because I do know enough Alias to know who he is. The others were just the ones that were confusing me.

You totally are better at predicting stuff! I don't bother to predict at all! ...except in this LAO:SVU Casey/Olivia fic where I was sitting there for several pages going, "IT'S THE FREAKIN' DRAG QUEEN ALREADY!! AND S/HE'S AFTER CASEY!!! SAVE HERRRR!!!" and then spent the rest of the time wanting happy angsty C/O not-yet-together-ness. *sighs happily*

Then I'd get one of those. And give you an even bigger tip for being amazing! And depending on how flirtsy I was feeling, I'd probably try to put some bills under your belt/in your pockets or something.


metalphoenix October 20 2006, 03:44:06 UTC
But like I told you on AIM, I'm behind the counter. It'd be hard to reach over and do so. I guess the tip cup'll have to do ^_^

I'm glad you're enjoying the angst? hehe.


abunchofcrap October 18 2006, 05:09:29 UTC
word or theme...... um.... food?

What's minimum wage there?

I saw Heroes this week, and my friend explained the entire plot thus far.

I kept going "OMG IS THAT LAUREN GRAHAM" during Studio 60.

I want them all in the episodes too :(


metalphoenix October 19 2006, 06:00:13 UTC
The meme will be in my next entry. Probably. Whenever that happens!

Actually it just went up hugely so it's not that bad: 7 bucks. It's because Michigan still has the highest unemployment rate and they're trying to fix the economy. :/

Yay Heroes! Did you enjoy it at all? I didn't know you watched Studio 60. I'm really loving that show. Let's get Piz off the show and maybe they'll have the money to let Mac and Wallace and Weevil on every episode.


abunchofcrap October 19 2006, 08:37:30 UTC
Hey, yours is higher than ours! Ours is 6.75, but it's supposed to go up. I was worried you were working forl like 5 dollars or something hehe :x
Minimum wage is still not enough to live on, but oh wells.

Yeah, what's up with Piz? I'm not so fond of him.


metalphoenix October 20 2006, 03:47:17 UTC
Yeah, it was like 5 something last month.. and it went up a huge amount. So when I asked for 7 dollars last month on my application it was a good wage. Now it's minimum. Heh.

Me neither. And I know they're going to go in some direction with him that pisses me off.


bitter_crimson October 18 2006, 08:14:21 UTC
I can't read your show thoughts because I haven't seen VM yet. BECAUSE I WAS DRAWING ALL DAY. Spent nine hours total to-day, plus three hours the other day, for twelve hours total on this drawing. Sixteen if you include time spent on the sketch. Which, y'know, we really should. SIXTEEN HOURS! @#^@%&#%!



metalphoenix October 19 2006, 06:01:29 UTC
I hope you watched today! I'm sorry your drawing took so long :( At least it's finished! Take pictures!

Yay word! I like songspam. Mm.


bitter_crimson October 19 2006, 10:23:30 UTC
I'm bad and yesterday I worked on my songspams instead of studying. Ummmmmm.

Yeah, I was gonna take a picture. Checked out a digital camera and everything, but then the battery wasn't charged. Heh. So I'll take a picture on Monday when we get it back or something. I'D BETTER GET A GODDAMNED A, FO SHIZZLE.


(The comment has been removed)

metalphoenix October 19 2006, 06:03:01 UTC
Yeah.. and his skin was kind of bad.. like mine! hehe. <3 Weevil too!

hahaha oh man. My feelings about VM and Logan. This should be interesting.


amandanumber2 October 18 2006, 19:52:23 UTC
i miss sea yak.


metalphoenix October 19 2006, 06:03:26 UTC
I miss you so much.


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