Tour of Garbage Cans: India

Dec 26, 2007 10:07

I have to give a bit of preamble to this tour, lest you think me slightly more crazy than the Indians did when I was taking these pictures. Garbage cans are not something that are commonplace in India. What do you do with your trash? You drop any trash on the ground. Untouchables pick such things up and generally keep the place clean. Anything that can be picked up and burned will be by people who live on less a day than that latte you just bought and tried to find a trash can for.

These pictures embarrass my Indian friends fiercely. They ask why I am taking pictures of such a shameful thing. I tried to explain that garbage cans are commonplace in the US: this didn't go so well. I tried to explain that putting litter in cans is better than putting it on the ground: although I'm really not sure why right now, except in that it robs people of jobs and makes the place look tidier before the same people who pick up the trash go and burn the garbage in some back alley in an attempt to keep warm and cook their evening meal in the toxins given off by burning plastics. Ok, now I'm depressed.

You don't find garbage cans where there are only Indians. Indians are expected to just drop the litter on the floor for the lower caste people to pick up. Garbage cans are a uniquely European thing in a culture where people do European things by going through the motions and not really understanding what they are doing. With that little preamble, I give you a tour of Indian trash cans, or as they call them dustbins.

Secunderbad train station - He was the first of his brethren I saw.

At the Taj Mahal - The second guide began to doubt my ability to be a payoff at this point

At the toilets for the Taj Mahal - Foreigners pee for free here, but locals are charged 1 Rupee each.

Another Taj Mahal dustbin - at a 'place for lovers' I was taking pictures of dustbins

Gutab Minar - Note the writing, maybe that's 'Use Me' in Hindi.

Gutab Minar again - This was when the first tour guide began to know that he was going to have trouble with me.

Shirparamom - a local bizaar and it shows in the rustic dustbin, the creepy terra cotta old man made this dustbin less interesting.

At the A/C portion of Paradise - Fancy people ate in the A/C places like certain crazy Americans that you might know

Golconda Fort - Purely a utilitarian dustbin

Golconda Fort again - This one has such a nautical feel, the tourism board didn't like the pornographic sticker placed above their sign, such a pity.

Secret Lake - This dustbin was cleverly disguised, I nearly missed it

The airport dustbin for Hyderabad - the condition might explain why there was trash all around it

Ramoji studios had many very strange dustbins, this is one of the less disturbing

Ramoji studios must have had problems with long lines inadvertantly knocking over dustbins, they solved this problem by making a dustbin cozy out of concrete. There's the ever loved slogan, 'USE ME'.

Ramoji studios - This chap scared me a bit, as rightly he should. This might be an attempt to get people to stow their litter to fuel his crazy schemes for Alice's next adventures.

Use me is merely a ploy by such as he to lull you into thinking he's not going to haunt your dreams for more litter to fill his head with.

Ramoji Studios again - This is where M&Ms go when down on their luck.

Ramoji studios - When I saw his brother at the train station in Hyderabad, I thought I would be rid of the white rabbit merely by leaving. I was so terribly wrong. Don't let the paint on his parcel fool you, he's out for souls.

Ramoji studios - this penguin wants you to use his chest cavity, please let there be no mewing coming from inside as you use this strong beaked denizen for your ends.

Ramoji studios - This pagoda style dustbin is obviously a ploy by the dustbin coalition to lull you in to a false sense of security.

Ramoji studios - Donald's evil twin wants you to use his skull, he must be in cahoots with the cat.

Ramoji studios - Yes, that's right. She wants you to use what passes for cleavage on a bear. Are you disturbed yet?

Ramoji studios - He's looking at me, he knows that I passed up his brothers. He knows that the only way the rabbit army can grow is through 'donations' by using their holes.

Ramoji Studios - This dustbin is cleaverly disguised as a tree. It's begging you to use it. USE IT!

Ramoji studios - This dustbin appears to have lost it's cozy. Such a sad sight to see a dustbin sans cozy.

Ramoji studios - I have no words for this dairy delight.

Ramoji studios - Perhaps the baby bird is looking for vomitous delights as an offering after the bus driver drifted his vehicle around the corner of the 20th curve.

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