Title: Mafia Gang Wars Day/Theme: 25th October -- Coca neon kamera sutra Series: SlamDunk | Prince of tennis Character/Pairing: ..All [AU, yakuza style.] Rating: PG15 (for use of language) Authors: rei_kurasaki, hemlocke and yasminm Notes: Aaaand, we're losing the plot. WHUT. Fourth in a series; 01. An alliance | 02. Adjustments | 03. Wheels in motion
Title: Mafia Gang Wars Day/Theme: 24th October -- The pavilions of love and the tents of war Series: SlamDunk | Prince of tennis Character/Pairing: ..All [AU, yakuza style.] Rating: PG15 (for use of language) Authors: rei_kurasaki, hemlocke and yasminm Notes: Writing this cannot be healthy. Theird in a series; 01. An alliance | 02. Adjustments
Title: Mafia Gang Wars Day/Theme: 23rd October -- La Primavera Series: SlamDunk | Prince of tennis Character/Pairing: ..All [AU, yakuza style.] Rating: PG15 (for use of language, implied sex and violence) Authors: rei_kurasaki, hemlocke and yasminm Notes: SO. Our brains didn't give. ;D Second in a series. Follows Chapter 01: An Alliance.
Title: Mafia Gang Wars Day/Theme: 22nd October -- Jesus Etc Series: SlamDunk | Prince of tennis Character/Pairing: ..All [AU, yakuza style.] Rating: PG15 Authors: rei_kurasaki and hemlocke Notes: So...I uh, ran out of excuses for this one. First of a series, that is, if our brains don't give out first.
Title: Routine Challenge: A day in the life of -- Series: Prince of Tennis Character/Pairing: Oshitari (hints of Oshitari/Gakuto) Rating: PG Disclaimer: Boys not mine.
Sumary: Yuushi's timetable was very simple indeed.
Title: Dance in two steps Day/Theme: 4th October -- Why do you sleep with girls? Series: Prince of Tennis [AU] Character/Pairing: Yamato/Mizuki Rating: PG For: link621 ♥