Friday, July 21, 2006

Jul 21, 2006 15:33

peterstormarejr: WOW....some people=stupid - for those of you who don't know: // PB 'Cest wank // Here's what I think. // Incest in and of itself=disgusting. // Incest within fandom=acceptable.

rahaeli on lj_biz: At least we'll always have Frank - I've seen a lot of people wondering about recent changes or proposed changes to LiveJournal's navigation and user interface, and asking why they're necessary. We've talked about our individual goals for some of the changes in the lj_design community, but we haven't talked about why we're working on the project overall, and I wanted to take a minute and explain what the problem is, what we're trying to solve, and why we're trying to solve it the way we are.

jennyo: Sex, Definitions, and Chocolate Chip Cookies - Amanda, as usual, gives me food for thought. In particular, I give the "wordy mcword" ups to the commenter who said: Your average guy who likes to slap a girl's ass and call her a slut is not a dominant or a sadist in any useful sense of the words. He's not looking for a sub, and he’s not interested in 'power exchange' or anything like that. He's just been conditioned by his culture to get a charge out of petty misogyny.

hinokumo: H/C in the slash equation - Now for the question: What originally attracted you to slash?

starrysummer: why het? - So apparently there was a lot of discussion about the het/slash issue while I was gone which is very inconvenient because 1) I like that topic, even if it does get redundant and 2) I am on a Lumos panel on this and am now sadly out of the loop.

zgirl714: Ramble Fandom Sex and Relationships Thoughts - I heart Metafandom. It connects me with the shit that makes me think. Here is the products of said thinking. Warning: I go on tangents a lot. // As far as some fandoms go (like HP and anime) writing het is almost revolutionary. I think that the lady in the relationship is the reason. Why Het? has been making me think about why women hate women.

geekturnedvamp on con_txt: Care and Feeding of OT3s panel - During the panel there was discussion of a post where people could share their threesome recs (for archives, lists, or individual stories); I've set up a page to collect them all in one place, so if you leave your recs in the comments to this post I'll add them to the site.

fabu: More good stuff to read - Two short vignettes from shealynn88, both (E/W, E/J, with more than a hint of OT3-ness) As Changing as the Sea (PG) and "She Is the Shore" (PG13)

liviapenn: Ummmmmmmm. - It looks like someone put killabeez' and Jonesy's Star Trek/Monty Python vid up on Youtube. // And then it got metafiltered.

shusu: on walking through fire - my taste in angst - If you're just joining us, you might want to know that besides porn and themes and sprogs, a lot of angst is done here. If you're not just joining us, you probably already know that I am a book-carrying believer in the Lois McMaster Bujold method of creating plot (and therefore angst): ask yourself what is the Worst Possible Thing to do to that character. (I generally like laurajv's DarkFic Recs if you're looking for examples.)

hesychasm: because this conversation just wasn't fun enough without - I should not be blogging at work, and especially not blogging something potentially offensive at work, but I need to get this off my chest. // With respect to International Blog Against Racism Week, the intent is admirable and I appreciate the openness and willingness to talk about issues that seem to make people -- especially white people -- uncomfortable or defensive or prone to posting crap like "No way is any Johnny Depp movie racist, you oversensitive idiots!! He's like 10% Cherokee!"

Creating and Criticism
dinpik: Of parties and fragile flowers - Fandom is not, as a now-deleted post linked to on metafandom stated, a house party. // It's a block party. Especially on LJ.

la_folle_allure: Fandom - I'm stating this right off the bat. I'm not replying to anyone's comment of this, but I will give you the opportunity to state your opinion, state your arguments, state your inner most thoughts, just free the beast if you will. But this is what I think and I'm not going to apologize to anyone for it. I'm not even going to try and convince you. Take this as whatever you want, ignore it, defriend me if you don't like it, I'm not going to change my opinion on *this* any time soon.

Warnings on Creative Work
agentotter: [warnings on fics] - emrinalexander was talking over here about warnings and how fic without them makes emrinalexander a sad panda, and so on. I'm sure we're all familiar with this eternal struggle: some people want warnings on everything so they know what they're getting into when they read a story, some people figure it's your choice to read the story or not and you should stop whining, some people feel that warnings compromise their artistic integrity, and so on.

telesilla: The Warnings Discussion (I've lost track of how many time - So, I see we're talking about warnings again. // I'll state my position and then I'm going to post some things I both said and stopped myself from saying in the discussion over in emrinalexander's LJ. // I don't really like warnings. I accept that there are certain warnings fandom wants and so I warn for death, non-con, heavy kink, and, recently for something that could be read as bestiality.

splash_the_cat: Call me when people start warning for terrible chara - So, when did it become the fic writer's job to make the fic reader's experience in fandom easy and free from all potential danger? / Because every time I see the warning debate come round again, that's what it always seems to boil down to: readers don't have enough time to sift through all the fic that doesn't have warnings, they don't have enough patience to do that, they don't want their fandom happy harshed by reading a fic that doesn't fit their bill.

isiscolo: death and elucidation - Yesterday while compiling metafandom I linked to (and read) this post complaining about the lack of warnings on stories (in general, but including character death) , and I just ran into another post grousing about no deathfic warning, apparently with reference to a particular story in which a major character died. // I'm not a big fan of warnings, although I understand why people want them.

cofax7: just another meta post, pay me no mind - agentotter has a post on the labels/warnings kerfuffle here. // I think I've made my position on labels and warnings fairly clear, in the sense that I generally don't warn or label much. But I figured I'd break it out some. // Because labels are not the same thing as content warnings. Nor are they the same thing as ratings.

liviapenn: Warnings and why they're dumb. - I've been repeating myself on this subject for about six years now, but here it goes again. // If you don't like [a thing] in a story, that is your personal issue, and it is your responsibility to protect yourself from it. It is not mine. // You must personally take whatever measures you feel are necessary in order to protect yourself from encountering unacceptable or disturbing content.

amireal: My two cents about warnings. - Originally posted in someone else's LJ, it has been spellchecked and spiffed up and added to: // Warning: Discusses season 7 Buffy in general terms and plot bits from my own fic Scenes from a Lesser War. (see, spoiler warnings I totally get) // It's all about spoilers for me.

destina: A word about warnings (plus Friday miscellany) - Happy Friday! I have had what amounts to an epiphany about what lies at the heart of the warnings debate. Well, at least it was an epiphany for *me*. I guess that after reading this same debate approximately 5 bazillion times over the last 11 years, I was due for some new insight. // People who want warnings make the assumption that if there are no warnings on a particular story, there is nothing to warn *for* in that story.

manticoran: To warn, or not to warn? Or do we even care? - I'm soooo boooored. Isn't it five pm yet? // So, it's time for another one of those cyclical debates. This week the scheduled debate that is making the rounds for the nth time is to warn or not to warn for potentially traumatic things in fanfic.

nomadicwriter: [POLL] Random mini poll - self-insertion when reading. - Okay, this is something I was just thinking about (sparked, in a very roundabout way, by the resurfacing of the ol' "To Warn or Not To Warn" debate on my flist). I was half considering working it up into a more detailed poll about how different people relate to what they're reading, but for the moment, just one quick question.
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