Compiler's note: The following classifications are by nature imperfect and somewhat imprecise. But, I hope, better than no classification attempt or lj cuts at all.
cesy: Virtual panel - So, does anyone have any thoughts to share on "Compare and contrast fandom's gift culture and remix culture with FLOSS culture"? -
(tags: fandom remix floss)
redsnake05: Some thoughts about themes, again - I love themes. I find it hard to write without a clear theme in my head. Then I show the theme in the character development, the conflict, the imagery... I get a bit overexcited, I know, but, personally, I find a story without a theme to be dissatisfying to write. I look for them in my reading too. -
(tags: writing theme poll)prozacpark: Fiction, gender, women's pain, and MAN PAIN. - So, I've been thinking about Man Pain, what exactly IS it, its awesome power to make me hate a character like I never thought possible, how narratives view women's pain vs. men's pain, and do women have the same kind of pain? And I have thoughts. :) -
(tags: gender characterization)vito_excalibur: not a Wiscon panel report - Things What I Think Are Interesting About Fanfic And Slash Lately -
(tags: fanfic slash fandom)
azdak: Plato kicked the poets out of his ideal - Fic, like all artistic endeavour, serves numerous functions, many of which have nothing to do with either morality or verisimilitude, but you'd never guess that from the current debates, in which is suggested over and over again that the only responsible way to write is by strict adherence to "fact" in the service of issues of social justice. -
(tags: fanfic writing)annerbhp: Characterization and Power Imbalances in Romance Writing - I’m not asking anyone to defend their reading habits, but rather asking us to all think about how what we read (and write) reinforces a romantic vision of power imbalances and what that means for feminism and gender equality. And before you comment that there is a difference between fantasy and reality, fiction and fantasy are very telling. It speaks of what we as a culture value and it transmits those values to future generations. It's powerful. -
(tags: fanfic gender het sg1)fluterbev: Meta: The Great H/C Debate - This is me, this is what I like, this is who I am. I’m very comfortable with it now, but I confess that I was ashamed of my dark desires for the longest time. Then I discovered the world of fanfiction, and to my amazement and delight I found that many others in the world shared the exact same mindset, and it even had a name - hurt/comfort, AKA H/C. What an inexpressible relief and delight it is to be one of many instead of a lone, secretive, deviant oddball. -
(tags: h/c research)
meganbmoore: Fiction matters. - no matter how you approach a text or how you interact with it or what your reasons are for presenting the text fiction matters. We consume it to get something from it. Fiction is a part of our culture. It reflects what a culture finds acceptable, and what thoughts and themes that culture supports. When something persists in fiction, it persists in the culture that the fiction exists in. -
(tags: culture oppression writing reading watching)
commodorified: A few minor points of opinionation - Treading carefully is advisable. It is perhaps a good rule of thumb, when writing escapist or comic fiction about basically grim situations, to think of oneself as doing so with the intention of amusing or diverting or giving comfort to the victims. -
(tags: writing)
aris_tgd: Someone is Wrong on the Internet - the only kink I think is a "bad" kink is an unexamined kink. Especially an unexamined kink which reinforces the kind of kyriarchical prejudices which actually hurt people. -
(tags: writing kyriarchy kink)
cofax7: Oh, fandom. - How come we are allowed to criticize the producers of our content through writing stories and discussions in our journals, but we are not allowed to criticize each other? Even when we're using the exact same tools for the one as for the other? -
(tags: criticism discussions)
niqaeli: fandom's reindeer games - it kind of occurs to me that disengaging and choosing to shut the fuck up and have your fun elsewhere and elsehow is something that most people who haven't already acknowledged various forms of prejudice and discrimation as institutional and deeply ingrained have a lot of trouble doing. -
(tags: discussions privilege)
telesilla: Ignorance!=Bliss - Being ignorant doesn't mean that you're of the people or that you're closer to some kind of folk wisdom ala Forest Gump or that you're somehow more innocent or better at keepin' it real.//To flaunt it as some kind of badge, to insist that meta discussions are elitist and that they harsh your squee strikes me as standing up and saying "I don't know shit about this and I don't care about what that says about me!" -
(tags: meta)
fairestcat: On Having the Conversation - I was going to ask where all the fail this month is coming from, and then I stopped because, actually, I know the answer. What's going on in fandom right now isn't an abnormal level of fail -- although how I wish it was -- it's an abnormal upswelling of collective courage. -
(tags: discussions privilege oppression)sinuous_curve: Hi, flist. Apparently this is going to b - For bandombigbang, almost 100k of mtf!Spencer fic was written. When I saw the summary, I was really excited! There's never enough long fic written about trans and gendervarient characters.Unfortunately, this particular story is so et up with transfail, misogyny, and paternalism that I couldn't even stand to finish it. -
(tags: transgender misogyny fanfic)
la_vie_noire: ..Right - We have to start learning that the single objective of showing our anger over, I don't know, trivializing the death of thousand real black people by using them as kink-material for white writers, has always been Making White People Learn! After all, their education is always above our dehumanization, our anger, and or feelings. -
(tags: race privilege)
shewhohashope: Racebending Revenge Reservations - While I understood the idea behind the meme, and I understand the idea behind this challenge, I find myself anything but disappointed about any project which is about focusing on white characters while attempting to address racial imbalances in storytelling, especially when it is one of the few/the largest waves of enthusiasm about the subject. -
(tags: race characters)havocthecat: Oh, fandom. It's been a faily sort of week. Or two. - This is fandom. It's not just a fun place where you can come to get your ego stroked after posting a fanwork. (Though it can be that.) Fandom is full of people. Flawed, complicated, fun, interesting, intelligent, often stubborn, sometimes faily people. None of us are immune from mistakes, and none of us are immune to being called on mistakes. -
(tags: fandom criticism)ivanolix: Enough with the "fixing" already - the problem is, TV is written for extraverts. I'm not sure if it's because the writers are extraverted, or the actors, or the showrunners, but introverts on television are treated with an irritating "othering". They're the really "weird" ones, even though introverts are estimated 30-40% of the population. It's not treated as a personality difference, it's treated as the precursor to mental disorders. -
(tags: watching trope)