LJ Idol: Week 1 - Resolution

Sep 29, 2019 16:54

"Mr. Corley, it is the decision of this board that your outside privileges should be restricted only to excursions with a family member or qualified employee of the Autumn Acres Retirement Community. With the documented rise in your wandering behavior, we feel this is a necessary status change in order to ensure your safety. We will continue to ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

encrefloue September 30 2019, 18:16:22 UTC
Despite his misanthropy (and aggravated assault!), you make us really feel for Corley. How miserable he is when he's cognizant, how low he is when he's not...it's a hard pill to swallow, yet it must be the truth for so many living in nursing homes. I've seen videos from foreign countries where they provide cheap or free housing to young professionals to share living spaces with the elderly. Seems like an elegant solution to several problems. Would be nice to see such ideas become more popular to keep the elderly incorporated with the rest of society. Great work!


messygorgeous October 2 2019, 04:25:15 UTC

Thank you! I've seen similar arrangements where daycares and senior homes share space and it is great for both age groups!

I have a close friend whose mother is a Mr. Corley, aging with memory issues after a stroke. Visiting her at her facility, I have seen the frustration of the seniors there who waver between being surly adults and frustrated or frightened children.


nikkiii_brown October 1 2019, 01:15:55 UTC
I was taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions! You want to be mad at this Mr. Corley, but at the same time feel so much sympathy for him. I really enjoyed this and look forward to reading more from you!


messygorgeous October 2 2019, 04:26:31 UTC

Thank you so much! I have a lot of sympathy for Corley too. Even if he was tough to love, he still deserves to be treated like a person.


millysdaughter October 1 2019, 03:42:33 UTC
You made me cry


messygorgeous October 2 2019, 04:27:53 UTC

I'm so sorry! I don't know that tears were my intent here, but I know Mr. Corley would appreciate your sympathy!


m_malcontent October 1 2019, 17:46:35 UTC
Wow....a rollercoaster of emotions is right


messygorgeous October 2 2019, 04:31:22 UTC

I'm only (heh) 41. I threw my mom a 70th birthday party this summer and it was very interesting watching all her friends in her "active adult community." They are all very independent still but I sympathize with anyone who is losing their freedom or feeling trapped by their circumstances.


murielle October 2 2019, 02:43:36 UTC
Aww. This is heartbreaking. Such a feisty old soul reduced to this. Feeling worried about Jacob.

So well told, written. Brava! Wonderful to have you back!


messygorgeous October 2 2019, 04:35:19 UTC

Murielle, it's great to see you again!

I was driving through a small town on Saturday and passed a senior home. There was a man with a grizzly chin sitting on his power scooter on the sidewalk in front of the place. It was near dusk and I made a joke to my family about how he looked like he'd escaped and then I got to thinking that could make for an interesting story!


murielle October 2 2019, 10:28:32 UTC
And it really did! You got right into Mr. Corley's soul and took us there with you. Wonderful!


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