OMG...MY BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!....I'm finally 15 muahahaha. Well Tricia and Nikke are over right like yeah I need to go, we are going to get our ddr on...dfajsdhf;k
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Just got back from Joanna and Carlos wedding...It was so much fun. But my feet are killing me...From dancing and FRANKO stepping on my feet when we was jumping...heehee everyone was drunk and like my cousins boyfriend was really funny because like he was dancing all crazy and Some of the people in the wedding party passed out in the limo
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I'm so bored...I just got done studying for some crap and doing my homework. Yeah today was really gay. Well I got my report card and yeah...I didn’t do as well as I thought I would …I got all A’s and 2 B’s… so I was kind of mad about that. My dad came home from 2 1/2 weeks being with my CrAzY Uncle Carlo in North Carolina...and like yeah.
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Today was Blah. It was another late arrival...but like I stayed up really late the other night talking to a friend and there yeah. I really did nothing like it. Well I really did not do anything today...only my homework and that is pretty gay so yeah. Now my cousin is over talk to my mom about his wedding coming up...I can wait FRANKO
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