Man, I so need to watch the trilogy again. It's been way, way too long since I last did. Also? You make me want to cap them but, at the same time, not want to cap them because yours are so pretty but I kinda want my own caps too... Hee!
After you finish with Aragorn will you do Legolas too? *wink wink nudge nudge*
oh yummy! *pets the sexy dirty ranger* Thank you so much sweetie! Love the dirty ranger with the added bonus of pretty blonde elf! My internet time is about to be severely curtailed (visitors staying for a month) but I'm definitely going to make sure I come back for episode 3! *huggles*
I felt just like I was watching the DVD (since by now I FF through all the non-Ranger scenes anyway!) This was deliciously wonderful, I've bookmarked both pages so I can come back whenever I need a hot Dunedain fix! Will there be a Day 3 devoted to ROTK? *bats eyes hopefully*
Me too. The caps are arranged as they appear in the movie after all *g* There are a few scenes missing though, but I can just do it again when I've capped everything, right? ;)
And of course there will be. Tonight around the same time I expect.
Comments 18
After you finish with Aragorn will you do Legolas too? *wink wink nudge nudge*
I'm capping again, did you see? Well not right as the moment as writing needs to be done, but new caps will come sooner again *is determind*
Could do that. Or both of them together (as they always should be *winks*)
And of course there will be. Tonight around the same time I expect.
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