Title: The start of a new day - 7.00-8.00 am.
Characters: Veronica
Genre: Comedy (hope so), romance (maybe)
meshiblack21 Dedicated to: my junno twinny
christelle143 Chapters:
Info Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 07.00-08.00 am.
Still with my eyes closed, i yawned and stretched my body. Then I turn my head and look at the alarm clock. 07:00 am. I covered myself with the blanket again. I was waiting for more sleep to come again, when i realised it! I sat down on the bed again and look at the clock. 7:01. Damn, I do not believe it!
Originally I planned to quickly jump out of my bed, but somehow I forgot that i have legs and I ended up on the floor with a chafed knee. I didn't particularly bother with it. I started to run from one room to the other. Parents are no longer there! I guess they're at work. Sure, they are at work! I'm the only one who can oversleep after all.
I ran into the bathroom where I washed my face with cold water and put a toothpaste on my toothbrush. I'm starting to regret my last-minute-packing! With the brush in my mouth i was throwing some clothes into my travel-bag. I swear i'll regret it again once I'll unpack it.
"Damn!" This can't be happening!
Now my back zipper doesn't work! Finally. I turned right and then ran into the bathroom, spitting the toothpaste. It was dangerously flowing down on my chin, and I probably looked like a dog with rabies. Now I had the chance to look at myself in the mirror. Well, no glory to tell you!
I ran back into the room to put some dress on. I threw the travel-bag down the stairs and then quickly went to the bathroom, to do something with my hair. Well, I do not have time to do something with them, so I put the comb into my handbag over my shoulder. I put there some cosmetics so I'll get a chance to travel as a person and not as an alien. I was running down the stairs while putting my hair into a "pony-tail". I almost fell. I grabbed my keys, put my sneakers on and grabbed a sweatshirt, sunglasses and scarf.
Yeah, I know I'm probably crazy to take a scarf in the summer, but I can't help it! First, it's really nice, second is not so much warm, and the third i really don't care what your opinion is. Actually it's more a headscarf than a scarf.
I went out of the house and lock the door. When i was at the second street i noticed i forgot my travel-bag and the bag with money and documents. Actually, just the travel bag and my wallet with a few euro and papers. Just my identity card, I still have no power. On the way back home I was pretty loud and pretty rude scolding everything and everyone. Well, It didn't help at all.
Okey, now i have everything. I can go to the station and hope that i'll catch the train, which should has leave half an hour ago.