of my artwork 'cause I'm terribly bored

Nov 11, 2006 03:21

Dear I'm-Dean's-Wench!

I decided to post here all my work, that is Artfor and fanfiction... I know, I know my dear invisible friend, no one EVER reads this Journal, but there's really no reason for me not to do this... My brother calles it Literary Terrorism... you figure out why!

My work is based basically on my favorite show: DarkAngel ('cause when I finally learned to properly use Photoshop Buffy was not on anymore, and the Buffy fever ended... though if I ever get a hold of the DVDs, oh, mother, so help me God, I'm gonna have a Spike overdose!).

So here it goes!

This is the first manipulation I ever did, and I was pretty proud, 'cause even though it's really simple, it really captures a moment between Max and Alec that all of us M/A lovers would've loved to see in the show.

This one is actually a really old concept. I did it one, when I was not very capable with Photoshop, but once I "mastered" it, I decided to revamp it, and then I went CRAZY looking for a frigging Crash background. This is really the kind of work that I do, and you'll see it on all the following Manipulations. My goal with this is to bring the "Stolen Moments" of Alec and Max. Sort of like pictures of them togheter, holding eachother, or doing nonesenses.

The moment I finished this I was the happiest person ever!! 'Cause I mean, come on!! It's an Alec/Max kiss!!! But then, once the rush was over, I realized his skin colour is different from hers (although, for all that's mighty, I wasn't able to make it look better!), and I think it was Dazedizzy, back at NWP, who pointed out that those are definitely not Jensen's arms, but Michael What's-His-Face's... chicken like arms... *sigh* so damn true.

This is another pretty simple one, but I found a picture of Max and Logan and it was really sweet (if Logan hadn't been ther, actually), so I threw Alec/Dean there.

 It was while doing this Manipulation that I realized something: I Hate Blonde Jessica. It's so difficult to turn Blonde Jessica into Max!! This was one of my tries, but I've tried with many different techniches, and I think I finally settled with one. Yes, another kiss!! The man in this pictures is Paul Walker and he was completaly bare chested, and I thought: 'Ok, this is a picture taken by Joshua without them knowing, which means they are sneaking from the rest of Terminal City, which means Alec can't be walking around bare chested (I WISH!) so, somehow, I managed to turn it all black and simulate a T-shirt. Yey fot me!

Party at Terminal City. Alec just said something stupid...

This is one of my favorites. Totally sweet! And I added a little something to the Manipulation. A little technique I learned while looking for tutorials. This is really  cool actually 'cause it really helps to cover some of the mistakes that might show.

This is another sweet one, and, as I realized after I posted it, he's completally staring at her boobs... really, not my intention!! Not my fault the guy has eyes of his own!

THIS is my all time favorite. It might not be my best, but I don't care!! It's sweet, funny and real in some way. I've seen many manipulations, and I've only liked a few, but most manips are done with photoshoot pictures in which the actors are all rigid and posing... where's the fun in that?? My main sourse of pictures are the Public Apparences threads, I like to work with those pictures.

I was really proud of this one too. It's very sweet. Here's where i used the hair technique I use now all the time: Create New Layer, then I paint over her hair with a brownish colour, and then I play with Oppacity. Another one, would be Duplicate Layer, desaturate it, then paint brown over her hair with the brush on Multiply Mode, and then erase everything that's not the hair. Then, play with Oppacity...

Well, that is all for now!! 
I'll post the rest later, and I'll also post the many, MANY, Sam/Jo Supernatural Banners... 'cause I'm a Sam/Jo Shipper!!


darkangel, m/a, artwork, manips

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