Sleepy Hollow/Doctor Who (1963) fic: Sugar House

Oct 24, 2014 16:49

Title: Sugar House | fic_promptly | AO3
Fandom: Sleepy Hollow/Doctor Who (1963)
Wordcount: 1661
Rating: Teen
Characters: Ichabod Crane, Katrina Crane, the Rani
Pairing: Ichabod Crane/Katrina Crane
Contains: mentions of a stabbing, alcohol usage, mild violence
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fandom: doctor who (1963), rating: teen, character: ichabod crane (sh tv), character: the rani, character: katrina crane (sh tv), fandom: sleepy hollow (tv), community: fic_promptly, community: spook_me

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Comments 4

doctorxdonna October 24 2014, 22:49:05 UTC
Interesting story. Makes me wonder what the Rani was up to. Love the last couple of sentences about navigating the internet! :)


merryghoul November 8 2014, 07:03:02 UTC
Thank you!


lilacsigil October 25 2014, 04:32:43 UTC
Exactly the kind of thing the Rani would be up to in a warzone! I liked Ichabod's escape and his concern for the other experiment victims.


merryghoul November 8 2014, 07:03:50 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad you agree with the Rani's motivations here.


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