First Class/New X-Men fic for unintendedmuse

Apr 13, 2010 01:41

Title: She Who Sends Up Gifts
Author: ragingpie
Recipient: unintendedmuse
Prompt: While helping to set the mansion to rights after yet another attack, the New X-Men come across forgotten relics that once belonged to the First Class.
Word Count: 3,883
Characters: Mercury, Rockslide, Anole, Pixie, Elixir, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Jean Grey
Warnings: none
Continuity: ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

second_batgirl May 4 2010, 00:35:05 UTC
Oh, this is wonderful! I love all the different touches of First Class canon, and the glimpses you give into everyone's heads. And what Jean left... I love it. ♥


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