(no subject)

Sep 14, 2008 22:40

Looks like hlh_shortcuts signups are open, which means Yuletide's probably not far behind. I love this season.

Anyhow, here are some details for my Shortcuts signup:

  • Like last year, this year I am open to whatever pairing type (or lack thereof) strikes your fancy. Gen, het, slash, it's all good.
  • I'm totally not opposed to an original character bad guy, so long as he's not generic. Give me a meaty bad guy any day. That being said? Something without a bad guy is way cool too.
  • I'm not really into explicit smut right now. I'll read it and enjoy it, but it's not really my thing at the moment. So it should go without saying that PWP is probably not my fic type of choice.
  • Crack fic? Go for it! I like a dose of humor now and then.
  • Again with last year, I listed crossovers but I would be quite happy with a Highlander-only story. I like crossovers, but I did get one last year, so I definitely won't be disappointed if I don't get one this year. I just like the idea of playing with different kinds of special abilities from different universes.
  • Quentin MacLeod is the red-headed mullet kid in my Clan MacLeod icon. He's from the animated series and the little-known videogame for the Atari Jaguar. I will laugh my ass off if he makes an appearance but, you know, so not counting on it. Because come on. Quentin? Seriously.
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