Name: Rachel
Gender: Female
Age: 17
List of apps you've voted on
Just the
one right now.
Hobbies: Making music (violin/viola/piano), cooking, reading, watching movies
Likes: Music (making it and listening to it), the TV show "Pushing Daisies" ♥, photography, rainy days, and cupcakes. :)
Dislikes: Arrogance and vanity are very high on my list. And then, on a much lower level, is coconut.
Strong points: Intuitive, intelligent, loyal, good-humored, open-minded
Weaker points: Emotional, overly sensitive, over-thinking, jealous, manipulative, sarcastic
Talents: Music, mainly. I'm also pretty intuitive, and am planning on going to college for Psychology next year.
Describe your personality: I am the biggest INFP (introverted intuitive feeling perceiving) you will ever meet. I'm a hopeless romantic, but I worry sometimes that love isn't meant for me. I tend to be very sensitive, and to over-analyze situations.
Are you more likely to be walked on or do the walking? More likely walked on.
Can you keep a secret? Yes.
Snoop around or flat out ask? Haha, more likely to snoop around.
Would you rather have love or power? Love
How do you feel about romance or relationships? Love is the most wonderful thing in the world, and I hope that it is meant for me.
If you could visit one place, where would it be? Australia or Greece. England and Italy were on the top of my list, but I've been there now. :)
Your biggest fear: Being completely and utterly alone.
Rebel or by the book? I'm the good girl, but I do have a rebellious streak.
With these, put an X next to the ones that pertain to you (and please be honest!):
[Eh, sometimes]You are a happy person.
[x]You are on the quiet/shy side.
[x]You are scatter-brained.
[ ]Your a sexy flirt
[ ]You are a dominant individual.
[ ]Others find you intimidating.
[ ]You are naive.
[x]You tend to be coy
[ ]You are considered "cold-hearted" at times.
[x]You are sarcastic.
[x]You are a determined individual.
[ ]You are well known in your community.
[x]You are artsy.
[ ]You are conniving.
Anything else we should know? Thanks in advance for your votes! ♥
This is me and my best friend, I'm the one on the left.