mermaid poetry & music for you!

Aug 07, 2011 00:53

Greetings, mermaid lovers! A couple of bits of mermaid flotsam from the seas of speculative and fantasy poetry.

The 2011 Rhysling Award in the long form category went to C.S.E. Cooney's "The Sea-King's Second Bride," from the Spring 2010 issue of goblinfruit. This poem is a merry, slant-rhyming romp through the tale of a stepmother who's far from wicked and the sea-king who pines for his first wife even as his new one fills his family's life with warmth. The poem is fantastic, particularly for those who dream of undersea living in a coral palace. Hearty congratulations to Ms. Cooney on her well-deserved fish-tailed win! Give it a read here.

For something entirely different, my poem, "The Sea Witch Talks Show Business" appears in the Summer 2011 issue of Goblin Fruit. The poem is available free in text and audio formats at the Goblin Fruit archives. The audio was recorded by the fantastic, Pegasus-award winning performer S.J. Tucker, whose new song "Neptune" (from the album Mischief), in a pleasing bit of synchronicity, displays a very different take on a similar subject to Ms. Cooney's poem. "Sea Witch," as hauntingly narrated by S.J., takes on the tale of the Sea Witch from the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, giving this misunderstood mermaid a chance to speak her own tale. I hope you find it to your liking!

Enjoy the mermaid-related goodies! Fair wind and fair weather to you.
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