Title: Secrets (1/?)
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Summary:*for whole fic*: Arthur has just finished knight training. Merlin knows what he wants. Merlin snoops and wishes to GOD he didn’t!
Rating: NC-17 overall, but PG for this part.
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! But I wish I did!
Author: silverindie80
A/N: This is the result of the plot bunny Archaeologist_d had XD I hope you like it!
Arthur moaned through gritted teeth. He had at least wanted to wait until Merlin and he were in Merlin’s room, away from the prying eyes of the castle servants. There had been too much speculation about Merlin warming Arthur’s bed, that even Uther had noticed. Arthur had decided they had to be more careful. Arthur had finished knight training and his muscles were starting to tense up. Merlin had produced a bottle from his pocket with a smile and all too knowing eyes. Arthur smiled. It had been a week since they had been intimate. Merlin’s eyes flashed gold.