Merlin!Potter doodles

Mar 16, 2009 21:42

Hello! First time poster, long time lurker (although I've been de-lurking a lot lately because there's some awesome stuff I can't resist commenting on) and I come bearing some cartoony Merlin and Arthur art.

So a few days ago my mind wondered to the thought of Merlin & Arthur in Hogwarts and what houses they'd be in. I thought Merlin would be in Hufflepuff and Arthur in Gryffindor, which is the middle sketch. Then I came across crazyboutremmy's Merlin Harry Potter verse fic, which inspired more doodles (and I in turn seem to have inspired a ficlet, oops! XD) and I promised I'd share them on here, so here you go. (Um, I'm rather html do you get people's usernames up? ^^; Sorry)

Title: Merlin!Potter doodles
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: None, although probably won't make sense unless you read So Merlin Emrys, Here Is Your Holiday

Title: Merlin and Arthur wip
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: None

K, so we have Arthur leaning on Merlin all casual like and all "I has magic" and Merlin is all "I don't need a wand."
Then we have them being sorted in the bottom right corner which is a scene from the fic. They're about 11 there. Then above that is their first charms class where Merlin is bored but Arthur is loving the fact that he can do magic, bless :3 Then on the left Merlin is cheering Arthur on in Quidditch despite the fact they're in different houses. Cue random!Hufflefuff being pissed off. And then flying on Arthurs broom cause it's cute X3 I'm such a sap. Their hair is all over the place because they're flying...or they somehow electrocuted themselves. I'll probably do more pics from this at a later date.

This is my work in progress pic from a Children in Need promo image where Arthur/Bradley had his arm slung round Merlin/Colin. I'm working on his hand from a different screen shot because Gwen/Angel's head was blocking his hand. I think I'm going to do this one traditionally. And make it look more real but still with a cartoony twist. Any concrit is welcome :)

More Merlin art can be found on my deviantART page under the same username, didn't upload them here because they're not really slashy and one is just Merlin on his own.

contributor: nenimefish, rating: g, genre: crossover, fanart: drawings

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