Untitled Fic

Oct 28, 2008 19:58

This is for fortassetu, who wanted smut where everyone could see them, but didn't notice. It is short because I wrote it quickly. It is a gift as a peace offering because I'm afraid I upset her unintentionally.

No spoilers

“No! Arthur.. no!” Merlin whispered harshly. But the prince’s fingers were tight around his arm, and his stride was determined.

“Stop!” Merlin was torn between amusement and horror. “You can’t be serious?”

Arthur glanced back at him over his shoulder and smirked.

The hall was busy. There was a banquet that evening for some visiting nobles - in fact, Merlin wanted to point out, they were supposed to be getting Arthur ready at the moment - and there were servants bustling about, moving tables, sweeping the floor, trimming the candles.

“This is ridiculous,” Merlin hissed under his breath. It was amazing that nobody had stopped to look at Arthur already. Merlin supposed that they were used to seeing the prince marching him around.

“It’ll be fun,” Arthur retorted, then he pushed Merlin forward, tucking him in an alcove mostly hidden behind a tapestry. He waited a moment to check that nobody was watching, then ducked inside himself.

“Well, hello,” he murmured in Merlin’s ear, pressing his body close.

“Don’t…” Merlin tried again, feebly. But Arthur was kissing his neck, and Arthur’s hands were running down his back and it was quite difficult to protest when Arthur’s tongue was doing that…

“Stop complaining,” Arthur whispered with a laugh. “I can feel you drilling a hole in my thigh. So there is an exhibitionist streak in you…

His hands slid around to the front of Merlin’s trousers and hovered at his waistband. Merlin huffed in impatience and grabbed hold of Arthur’s hips, grinding him closer. “That’s rich, coming from you. Mr Prance-around-with-no-shirt who loves it when the girls stare at him.”

Arthur licked at his mouth. “I never said I wasn’t a bit of an exhibitionist. And I love your face when they all watch me. All possessive. One day someone’s going to notice and figure out what’s going on.”

“Yeah, and that day will be sooner rather than later if you intend to fuck me in the hall during…”

His words were cut off by Arthur’s tongue in his mouth, and then his trousers were undone and Arthur’s warm, familiar hand was wrapped around him. And there was no point in complaining really, because Arthur always got his way. So Merlin shut up.

“I’m not going to fuck you,” Arthur panted when they broke apart. “I can’t trust you not to scream.”

“Well, whose fault is that?” Merlin replied petulantly.

Arthur grinned predatorily, then sank to his knees. Merlin’s head hit the wooden panelling behind him with a loud thump. But he didn’t care anymore if anyone heard. Let them come. Let them see their precious golden prince with his manservant’s cock in his mouth.

Arthur’s tongue slithered around him, lapping at his swollen head, then drawing back as Arthur’s lips enclosed him, sliding down, hot, wet, brilliant… then up again to suck tighter, and then down…

Merlin could hear his heart beating, hear each laboured breath he took. The slick, wet sounds of Arthur’s mouth against him were somehow obscene and it made him harder, more desperate…

Then he saw that Arthur had his own hand inside his own trousers and was stroking himself as he sucked Merlin, his eyes closed in something akin to bliss, completely engrossed in what he was doing. And that was enough…

For one white, aching, urgent second Merlin teetered on the brink of ecstasy and then he fell.

He sagged against the wall, knees week, Arthur’s face pressed against his naked belly as they both tried to remember how to breathe. When he could speak again, Merlin asked, “Did you... I mean, shall I…?”

“Yeah,” Arthur replied, his voice hoarse and rasping. “I did.” And he lifted his hand to Merlin’s mouth and watched through half closed eyes as Merlin licked it clean.

Then they sank to the floor, limbs entangled and waited for their heartbeats to slow and their red faces to fade and slowly, slowly the noises from the hall began once more to intrude.

Also, should we have a 'smut' or 'PWP' or 'porn' tag?

rating: nc-17, contributor: aleathiel, genre: porn, fanfic

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