Title: We all love Veronica Mars ( Merlin Style)
Rating: Pg- 13( For now)
Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Warnings: Crack, Season One and Two of VM
Summary: Merlin Is Veronica Mars, Arthur is Logan, Lance is Duncan, Meg is Gwen ( she doesn't die) , Moragana is Lily ( Doesn't Die ), Will is Wallice.
Merlin was not happy today, no he was not. It was the First day of his senior year his best friend was MIA. Gwen was not talking to him, his summer was not all sun shine and bunnies do to the fact that Moragana was almost killed. And the real heart stopper was that the one who tried to kill his other best friend was his crushed Dad. That is right the guy he wished that he could drag home by those lushes blond locks dad had tried to kill Moragana.
" What kind of name is Uthur anyways--ahhh!" Merlin let out a yell as i arm was thrown over his shoulder. Once seeing it was his friend Will the best friend that had been MIA till a few moments ago.
"Will what is your problem?" Merlin asked.
Will just shurgged. " Well i have many problems but i dont think you want to know about those... ones" He said in a very creppy voice. Merlin just rolled his eyes bunched up his shoulders and hit Will in the shoulder with his at the same time yelling " SENIORS RULE"
Will just shoved him back and let out a laugh. " So where is your boy toy?" He asked. Merlin answered as he
pushed the shoulder strap oof his bag up higher " He is off visting his dad or somthing"
Of cousre Will was talking about the one and only Lance, or Lancalot. Merlin was sort of seeing him... while he was still madly crushing on the one and only Arthur Pendragon, But he knew that he could not wait forever for the son of the creepy man who wanted to kill one of friends.No matter that when he kissed Lance he thought about that one shared kiss that him and Arthur had.
Ok so Arthur had been drunk and had not known what he was doing, but Merlin still could remember how Arthurs lips moved over his. Sure it was slopy and it was rushed and not as sweet as Merlin had thought it would be like in his head. But it was still amazing in its own sense.
Merlin was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the voice of the one and only Arthur Pendragon. Over on the other side of the court stood Arthur with Moragana who at that moment cought Merlins eye and waved him over. Sighing Merlin made his way over Hoping that he would make it though this Senior Year better then he did his Junior.
-- End---
That was all i could come up with now. I wrote this randomly. So i am not even sure it is that funny or that is even good.
Anyways LOVES!