FIC: Pleasure in Sound PG Sheppard/Heightmeyer

Nov 07, 2008 21:00

Title: Pleasure in Sound
Author: Merlin's Sister
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: The Stargate:Atlantis characters are owned by the almighty MGM. Just borrowing them for a bit of fun. No point in suing me anyway. I work in the public sector.
Pairing: Sheppard/Heightmeyer
Archive: Just ask.
Summary: The soundtrack for a first kiss was an important consideration.
Feedback: Always welcome.
Author's notes: Inspired by my sudden impression of the Atlantis crew partying on down to Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds. I may love it, but I don’t think John would be so keen…

As with all these sudden bursts of writing it's completely unbetaed, so bizarre spelling and phrasing completely down to me.

John had never worked out if it was black humour or perversity that had led to the playing of Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds at the Atlantis parties. To listen to the arrival of fictional Martians when perhaps they had only recently escaped the Pegasus galaxy’s resident alien was somewhat weird in his opinion. Kate said she thought it was a sign of a healthy level of sanity.

Or at least she did when he didn’t have his lips pressed against hers, and his hands moving all over her, going as far as he dared in public, even if that public place was a tucked away balcony on the edge of the party. And all he wanted to do was to focus on how soft she felt and how sweet she smelt. But there, right there, in a corner of his brain were Martians arriving with a seventies disco track, and, damn it, he knew if he wasn’t careful that would always be his memory of this moment.

“I can’t do this,” he managed, as he pulled his lips away from hers, desperately trying to catch his breath at the same time.

“What?” Kate asked, her own voice breathless from their activities, a slight tinge of panic in the tone. “You said this is what you wanted.” The tone was moving from panic to pissed.

John caught up with the implication of what he’d just said.

“No! Not that.” He pulled her towards him and kissed her again. “You... you I can do.”

“Promises, promises,” Kate laughed now he had partly managed to explain.

“It’s just... “ John paused in his attempt to explain as the music thundered through an open door. “No, it’s no good.” Pulling Kate with him he got to his feet and headed out into the corridor.

“John?” Kate asked, almost running to keep up with him.

“We’re not having that thing as our song.”

“Our song?” Kate asked, tugging at his arm to slow him down. “John, you’re not making any sense!”

“That song! Martians! Disco! I don’t want that to be the way I remember our first kiss... or our first anything.” John managed to stop himself in the corridor and meet Kate’s eyes. He sighed. “This is just too important. I want this to be special.”

Kate smiled and kissed him gently. “This is special. Nothing can take that away.”

“Yes, but... “

“Nothing,” Kate insisted before kissing him again.

John leant forward into the kiss, relaxing into following the curves of her body, before another blast of the music reached his ears.

“No, I can’t...” He started to tug at Kate’s hand again.

“Okay, okay,” Kate said, “But if we’re doing this don’t think Johnny Cash is making an entry on to our playlist.” John stopped in mid stride, spun Kate around and headed in the direction of her quarters.

“Fine. Stick a selection from your player on. Anything but this.”

Kate was silent for a few moments as John marched them both down the corridor.

“You’ve been thinking about ‘our song’,” she said, her voice showing her amusement at the situation.

“Okay, no need to go on about it,” John replied, his insides shifting as he suddenly realised what he’d let slip through his reaction to the music.

“You brought me flowers, and have been thinking about ‘our song’.”

The couple came to a stop outside her quarters. “Yes I did,” John sighed, waiting for another smartarse comment.

But it didn’t come. Kate stroked his cheek tenderly, and leant forward. “That makes me very happy,” she said softly before kissing him. She took his hand. “Come on. Let’s go and make some music of our own.”

John suddenly knew that kind of music was exactly what he wanted to remember. And knew he would. Always.

sheppard/heightmeyer, atlantis, fic

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