Fest Info / Rules:
This is an anonymous prompt-based fest. Fic and art may contain het, slash, femme slash, and threesomes of all ratings. All genres are welcome in this fest! Angst, flangst, fluff, hurt/comfort, romance, drama, humour, etc. If you can write/draw it, we want it!
Again, this fest is anonymous, please do not tell anyone other than your beta(s) what the specifics of your story/art. We want the submissions to be kept as secret as possible. In addition, please only mention your beta(s) by initials in your author’s notes. Once the fest is over, there will be a big reveal and authors/artists will be able to respond to all comments as well as post their submission to their own journal!
If you have questions, you may ask them here in the comments. Additionally, you may email the Mods directly at: merlinmpregmod at gmail dot com
All entries must be at least 1,000 words in length and beta read. There is no maximum word count. If you do not already have a beta reader, we will be putting a call out for betas after claiming has closed. Alternatively you can try
merlin_betas. Mods reserve the right to proof your submissions and return your fic/art to you if it's a total mess that clearly hasn't been looked over.
Please include all appropriate html tags in the body of your story. Don't know what html tags are? Go check out
HTML Guide.
As soon as your entry is complete and beta read, feel free to email it to us. Fic should be sent in .docx, .doc or html format. Art should be jpeg, gif, or png, please. (The subject of your email should read: SUBMISSION- YOUR USERNAME)
Once we've confirmed receipt, you are welcome to claim an additional prompt if you so desire.
Extensions will be judged on an individual basis. Try to give us as much notice as possible, we mods don't love last minute panics, it messes with our pretty schedules! Please send us an email and we'll try to find a solution. (The subject of your email should read: EXTENSION- YOUR USERNAME).
We're not monsters, we're actually pretty easy to work with, so even if you're having problems with your submission or need to drop out (which we'd like to avoid, of course), please talk to us! Communication goes a long way! You can even email us during the 'creative period', just to let us know how you're doing and how your art is coming along :) If you need to drop out for any reason, please send us an email letting us know before the deadline for submissions.
If you intend to participate as an author/artist/reader, please join/watch merlinmpreg.
You may crosspost your submission any time after the fest masterlist and reveal has been posted. Please do not reveal which fic or art is yours until after that time.
Submission Guidelines:
- When you send your submission please include your name in the email subject as well as 'fic' or 'art'.
- Please include your header in both the .doc and the email.
- Don't forget to include an lj-cut tag in your story. The lj-cut text should be "The Title of your Fic". < lj-cut text="FIC TITLE" >
- Please check the formatting of your fic to ensure there are manual line breaks between paragraphs. There is a problem with some Microsoft Word settings and you have to double space manually!
- Include all other other html coding that is needed. Please test post your submission in a private entry to your journal before submitting.
- You do not need to omit your betas names.
- If your story is over 10k, please send it in two .doc files - part 1 and part 2, etc.
- Additionally, you may email the Mods directly at: merlinmpregmod at gmail dot com
- The fic/art header appears below.
Prompt: please either c/p the prompt you selected or list the number and provide a link for those who would like to see the prompt.
Word Count/Art Medium: (Remember that the minimum is 1,000 words!)
Rating: (G to NC-17)
Contains (Highlight to view): *Warn for possible triggers and squicks. No need to warn for sex and slash!*
Disclaimer:Merlin characters are the property of Shine and BBC. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: (You may put your beta's name here along with any other notes.)