Vincent in Mad Men 2.02: high res. Screenshots :-)

Aug 11, 2008 21:19

I know, I'm still one week behind, but anyway, here are my favored Vincent moments of Mad Men - 2.02 Flight 1. I added 84 caps to my German Website. Again, all images are BIG, meaning they have a resolution of 1280 x 720 px and a size of approx. 500 kB.

Vincent Kartheiser Sreenshots von der vorletzten Mad Men Episode 2.02 Flight 1. Wie immer liegen die Photos auch auf meiner deutschen Webseite. Viel Spaß :-)

Favoured one:

To see all 84 caps go here:

Caps 01-15
Caps 15-30
Caps 30-45
Caps 45-60
Caps 60-75
Caps 75-84

screenshots, mad men, vincent kartheiser, website updates, images

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