'The Other Side of the Camera' icon fest!

Aug 11, 2010 10:54

Welcome to the Merlin Locations community's second icons fest - dedicated to our heroes and heroines behind the camera! During the last 21 days of August 2010 we want to see your crew-related icons. Do you think Dale or Jeremy would look damned fine in front of a camera if only they weren't such geniuses behind it? Want to offer a visual ode to Johnny and Julian for creating and producing our awesome show? Think that Andreas is a pint-sized bottle of awesome sauce? Hankering to honour an unsung hero or celebrate the women on the other side of the camera? Now's your chance!


Here's some I created earlier from my own photos… but I'm sure you can do better! Come join the fun!

here's the plan...

It's 38 days until the third season of Merlin starts (I'm assuming 18 September), and we have to pass the time somehow. How better than to celebrate the people who are busy creating our show even as we speak? Let's create lots of lovely icons focussing on the people behind the camera (without invading their privacy). Once we're done, I'll buy some more icon space for the community, and load it up with the pretty. I'll also do a post to the website including the icons it seems appropriate to share with the wider community. The icons will be available for snagging by those who would like to use them (with credit, of course). And once we're done, Merlin will only be 18 days away!

here's the detail...

♦ Create as few or as many icons as you like, and post them to the merlinlocations community throughout the rest of August 2010. (But try to avoid totally spamming our flists. Enthusiasm is always appreciated, but especially when tempered by common sense!) Please feel free to post appropriate icons that you've already created, but it would be nice to include some new ones as well.

♦ The icon must be of a member of the BBC Merlin crew or production team, e.g. Johnny Capps, Julian Murphy, Polly Buckle, Alice Troughton, Jeremy Webb, Dale McCready, Andreas Petrides, and so on. It can include the actors, the locations or other behind-the-scenes aspects of filming, but the focus should be on the crew members or production team.

♦ The icon must be positive and respectful in tone and content.

♦ You must only use photographs taken openly in public situations or made available publicly. For example, it's acceptable to use photos taken while watching the filming in Pierrefonds, or at public events such as BFI, BAFTA or Expo. It's also acceptable to use generally available publicity material, or screen captures of broadcast material. But if you feel any doubt about whether the subject of a photo would want it shared, then please don't use it. Some members of the crew and production teams are obviously better known or more used to being in the public eye than others. Your discretion is called for!

♦ When posting, please give credit where it's due. If I may presume, please take this as permission to use any of my own images, in any (respectful) way that you like. To get you started, I have uploaded some of my own relevant photos, and some screen captures by awakencordy, to a Photobucket account here. Keep in mind that many of the specials, DVD extras and Secrets & Magic episodes include footage of our crew and producers in action or being interviewed.

♦ When posting, always use the tags behind the scenes: crew and resources: icons. You may also use other tags (e.g. a specific location or a specific episode) if you feel that's appropriate, but that's up to you.

♦ Please post no more than three four icons above the cut! If you need an Icon Table Generator, I use this one by sql_girl or this one by accio.nu.

♦ The general idea is that all the icons submitted during the fest will be available for others to use - with credit given to the creator. If that doesn't suit you, please let me know or make it explicit in your post, but I hope you'll all be happy with this approach.

♦ The icons must be usable on LiveJournal - i.e. they should be no more than 100 px by 100 px and 40kb in size, and in either JPEG, GIF or PNG file formats.

what happens next...

♦ We'll enjoy the posts throughout the month! Admiring comments will be welcomed by the iconographers!

♦ At the end of the month, we'll be 21 days closer to the third season. Hurrah!

♦ In mid September, I will upload the icons received to the community's Userpics page, up to the maximum available. The 'comment' for each icon will include at least credit to the creator. I will also upload the icons I feel appropriate to share to the website.

over to you...

This is a fest not a challenge, so I very much hope that everyone participates in one way or another! Your comments and queries are always welcome. And I'll look forward to seeing your brilliant work!

resources: icons etc, behind the scenes: crew

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