Round SIX - Challenge #5 - voting

Jun 17, 2011 03:59

Skipping: realproof*
Disqualified: xtine005

Please read the rules thoroughly before voting. If you have a minute or two please take the time to vote :)

Voting Rules:

♥ Please vote for TWO "least favourite" icons providing valid reasons. Your votes must be based on icon quality and not personal preference or opinion. Constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. A valid reason might be "icon is overly saturated and the subject is lost", and non-valid reason would be "I don't really like b&w icons...". Rude comments are unacceptable.

♥ Please also vote for TWO favourite icons. You don't need to provide a reason though you're more than welcome to.

♥ Please use the voting form below as it makes my job easier, just replace # with the icon number you're voting for. All numbers are above the icons. All entries will be screened, if you have any questions please post them as a separate comment.

Least favourite:
- #: (reason)
- #: (reason)

Favourite icon:
- #: (reason)
- #: (reason)

Challenge 5: specific texture use
full challenge details here



General notes:

♥ Voting will end Saturday 10PM PST.

♥ Unless there are ties one person will be eliminated this challenge, and there will be two favourites (one people's choice winner and one mod's choice).

challenge 5, round 6, voting

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