Prompt Selection Post is now open!

Aug 15, 2009 10:31

Prompt table right this way!

To participate, please join the comm by clicking "Join" at the profile, and then, select your prompts by leaving a comment below using the following template:

My name:
My email:
Chosen prompts:

All comments to this post will be screened to keep the magic participants choices a secret. ;)

You should get a reply and your membership will be approved within 24 hours. If not, please pm or contact the mods at and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Reminders and other information:
♥ The prompt selection post will be closed on the 23rd of August.
♥ Drabbles are due 4th of September.
♥ Stories are due 25th of September.
♥ Please refer to the guidelines for drabble/story submission before posting your fic to this comm.
♥ You are only allowed to post one story/drabble at a time, but if you finish your story/drabble and post them before their respective datelines, you are allowed to claim another set of prompts.
♥ To those interested, you can help us spread the word about this comm by copying what's in the box and pimp, pimp, pimp!">" style="width: 349px; height: 148px;" alt="" />
Merlincapfics is a prompt challenge community with a twist. Instead of 100 words, 100 Merlin screencaps or promo-pics of various Merlin characters will be used as prompts for each round. Everyone is welcome to join and participate!

Thank you so much!

!mod post, !prompt selection, round: one

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