14 tweetfics!

Dec 22, 2009 20:34

Hey there, everyone! It's been so long since I've last posted something here. *sheepish* Well, here are 14 tweetfics to make up for it :D

[3] CSI: Miami
[1] Glee
[11] Merlin
[3] Merlin RPF/S
[2] Torchwood

Author: ariietis ( ariietis on Twitter)

Pairing/Character: Arthur/Merlin, Mordred
Summary: 140 chars don't get summaries XD
Rating: Nothing above PG
Warnings: Slash and spoilers of varying degrees for series 1 and 2 (there's an AU/reference to 500 Days of Summer, in case there are people out there who haven't watched that movie).
Disclaimer: Shine, BBC and the various creators and producers own the show. I don't. I'm just thankful for pretty British boys XD

( Follow the fake cut! )

Pairing/Character: Bradley/Colin, Anthony Head
Summary: 140 chars don't get summaries XD
Rating: Nothing above PG
Warnings: Slash hints.
Disclaimer: Bradley James, Colin Morgan and Anthony Head are their own persons. This is a purely fictional take on them and is no representation of the actors in reality.

( Follow the fake cut! )

warning: spoiler, character: anthony, genre: crossover, genre: slash, pairing: arthur/merlin, genre: rpf, rating: pg, rating: g, character: arthur, pairing: bradley/colin, character: bradley, genre: gen, genre: au, character: merlin, character: colin, genre: rps

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