This community does what it says on the tin.
Got an lj community for Merlin (BBC, 2008)? Post a new entry, and it'll get added to the main list here so people can find it easily, since searching by interest doesn't always work. Communities will be sorted by category - discussion, fic, character, etc. We'll try and keep it up to date as possible. Remember, before joining a community, check the userinfo and scan the posts first to see if it's what you're looking for. Post a new entry if you want to advertise. Any questions, ask the mod.
General Fandom
bbc_merlin_news - the fandom newsletter
merlinbbc - discussion, art, icons, fic (small and bijou)
merlin_tv - discussion, art, icons, fic (much bigger)
mark_of_merlin - discussion, art, icons, fic
lamarcadenimueh - discussion, art, icons, fic - in spanish.
merlin_italia - discussion, art, icons, fic - in italian
merlin_us - discussion and resources, in american.
merlinfanz_usa - and another american one.
merlin_de - discussion, art, icons, fic - in german.
merlinaustralia - discussion, art, icons, fic - in australian
merlin_polska - in polish
merlin_cn - slash/rpf in chinese
merlinrpf - as above, just with focus on the actors. Remember to disclaim like the wind as it *is* RPF.
beforethelegend - pre-series
merlin_meta - discussion-y stuff
merlin_eps - discussion
merlinfest - discussion and squee
attheroundtable - discussion and recs, all fannish stuff
merlin_bulletin - noticeboard o' stuff
merlin_sceneit - resources
merlin_archives - transcripts
merlin_secrets - secrets community
came_a_lot - porn community
merlin_anon - place to post opinions
merlin_love - squee and love.
feedme_merlin - feedback community
merlin_fanmix - fanmixes
capslock_merlin - crack. you have been warned.
ontd_merlin - crack of the ontd sort
merlin_land - onoing popularity contest
merlinscupboard - goodies. moderated.
merlinlocations - info about the filming locations
merlinmeet - fandom meet-ups
merlin_london - London meetups
merlin_brighton - Brighton meetups
merlin_north_uk - North of England meetups
merlinnyc - New York meetups
merlinfic - fic, all types
merlinslash - slash only
merlinarthur_it - italian slash
camelot_haven - het only
merlingen - no romance allowed
arthurs_chamber - adult arthur-centric fic.
merlin_las - Last author standing fic challenge.
merlin_drabbles - drabbles
merlin100 - drabbles
merlin_ldws - last drabble writer standing challenge
merlin_tweetfic - 140 characters or less.
merlins_shorts - 500 words or less
merlin_6x6 - 12 fics
camelot_tree - odd and rare pairings
anon_merlinfic - anonymous fic
kinkme_merlin - prompts
roundmerlin - collaborative writing
merlinpodfic - fic in audio
merlin_finders - finding that fic you can't remember the place of
camelot_kink - fic, art, discussion, as long as it's kinky
arthur_submits - fic, art, discussion, as long as it's bottom!arthur
merlin_thematic - fic, vids and art arranged by theme
harlequinmerlin - harlequin/mills&boon
merlin_xovers - crossovers
dwincamelotdr who/camelot crossovers
camelot_recs - reccing the shiny. Because it needs to be read.
merlinrecs_au - reccing the shiny, but it has to be au.
crack_camelot - reccing the shiny, not just fic
beyond_albion - recs in other languages
merlin_thematic - fanworks by theme.
scrying_bowl - betas and resources.
merlin_betas - betas
merlin_bunnies - place to dump the plot bunnies and find new ones
reel_merlin - film challenges
merlinarthurfqf - comment fic fest
thefuturefest - future fic/art fest
camelot_fics - fic challenges
bj_mancrushes - Bradley James challenge (rpf)
iam32flavours - Gwen-centric challenges
merlinkisses - kisses fic/art challenge
merlin_cliche - cliché fest
gydchallenge - big bang challenge (winding up)
boxofmagic - big bang challenge (current)
slashdragonsays - other fandoms need his wisdom
merlin_bigbang big bang challenge, starting summer
paperlegends - big bang challenge
merlinbb_rpf - rpf big bang challenge
whizzbangpop *mini* big bang challenge
armor_bigbang - arthur/morgana big bang
tobreakthespell - fairy tales challenge
armer_gayms - merlin/arthur. high chance of crack.
agficexchange - arthur/gwen fic exchange
ag_fics - arthur/gwen fic challenges
summerpornathon - need you ask?
merlin_ficathon - fic challenge
merlincapfics - fic challenges using pics
kinkelot - monthly kink-themed challenges
merlin_ficart - want art for your fic? or fic for your art?
merlin_muses - prompt fest
merlin_santa - secret santa
merlin_the_elf merlin/arthur secret santa
merry_merthur - merlin/arthur xmas exchange
merlin_holidays - xmas exchange
merlinadvent - ye olde fic advent calendar. Suspiciously devoid of chocolate.
camelotsolstice - secret santa
yeoldegraphics - graphics
merlin_icons - icons and other graphics
merlinicons - icons
merlin_vids - setting prettily edited footage to music
merlin_stills - icon challenges
merlinlims - last icon maker standing
merlin20in20 - 20 icons challenge
merlincast2020 - cast 20 icons
merlinmoodstill - lj moods challenge
merlinelite - icon community you need to apply to
bradleystills - bradley icon challenges
colin_stills - colin icontest
katiem_stills - katie icontest
marthur_stills - merlin/arthur icontest
pendragonstills - Arthur icontest
merlingirlstill - girls icontest
merlinboystill - boys icontest
merlinpairstill - pairings icontest
angel_stills - Angel icontest
merlin_abc - icontest
merlinvibes - banners challenge
face_of_bradley - well, we know he does pull a lot of them...
holy_colin - like above, daily pics of Colin.
itsjustmerlin - and again for Merlin
ihasawarlock - macros. uther cat is watching you.
merlin_picspam - picspam time
captionmerlin - caption competition.
craftalot - for strange fannish creations. Knitting, jewellery, etc.
drawmelot - fanart of the drawn kind
plus1forears - fancomic
amerlinworld - webcomic in the vein of
A Softer World Shipper
camelot_love - arthur/gwen
arthurxgwen - arthur/gwen
ag_fics - arthur/gwen fic
merlinxarthur - arthur/merlin (this is massive. you've been warned.)
shapingdestiny - arthur/merlin
merlinarthur_it - merlin/arthur, in italian
herchampion - arthur/morgana
avalon_awaits - arthur/morgana
cenred_morgause - cenred/morgause
gawaingwen - gwen/gwaine
gwen_lancelot - gwen/lancelot
merlingwen - gwen/merlin
gwenmorganabbc - gwen/morgana
leonandmorgana - sir leon/morgana
merlin_gwaine - merlin/gwaine
merlingwainebar - merlin/gwaine
infide_manentia - merlin/morgana
spell_secrets - merlin/morgana
merlin_nimueh - merlin/nimueh
gwaine_morgana - morgana/gwaine
kingandward - morgana/uther
mordred_morgana - mordred and morgana - not shipping in *that* way.
ishipmorgana - morgana shipping
sorceress_seer - morgana/morgause
utherxgaius - uther/gaius
utherxtheboys - utherslash
merlin_rarepair - rare pairings
merlinthreesome - threesome
merlin_ot4 - foursome
merlin_multis - multishippers
bradleysangel - bradley/angel - rpf.
bradleycolin - bully/ginger racist - rpf.
bradleykatie - bradley/katie - rpf
katiecolin_love - katie/colin - rpf
angel_coulby - Angel Coulby
arphwoar - Arthur
epicarthur - Arthur, focussing on his awesome and destiny
bradleyxjames - Bradley James
bjameslove - Bradley James
camelot_knights - Knights of the Round Table1 They dance whene'er they're able!
colin_morgan - Colin Morgan
colinmorganfans - Colin Morgan
jesuisloser - More Colin Morgan
magicmanmorgan - More Colin Morgan
cendredonahorse - Cendred
freyaofthelake - Freya
sirgwaine - Gwaine + Eoin Macken
thefuturequeen - Gwen
katie_mcgrath - Katie McGrath
katiem_fans - katie mcgrath
sir_leon - Sir Leon
thewizardmerlin - Merlin
morganafay - Morgana
morgana_seer - Morgana
lady_nimueh - Nimueh
santiago_fans - Santiago Cabrera
rupertyoung - Rupert Young + Sir Leon
rupertsharem - Rupert Young
merlin_women - the Women of Merlin.
anachronismos - Anachronism, based on the 2009 Children in Need special