Merthur Fic Recs

Apr 26, 2022 18:03

We have a family vacation next week so no wifi for a week, I want to stack some fics.

I don't if this is still active but can I get some recs? I don't mind anything as long as it's Merthur. But if needed, I like some crossovers, possessive yet still sweet Arthur (plus points if omegaverse), Merthur in outsider's POV, runaway or elope Merthur, or ( Read more... )

theme: favorites/rec lists, pairing: merlin/arthur, category: fanfic (recs), theme: possessive/protective, theme: established relationship

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Comments 6

dvigano10 April 26 2022, 11:09:23 UTC
Hello! I love a little stack of fics myself, so here are my recent merthur reads. I really liked this one: magic!reveal ehehe this one is full of outsiders POV and is hilarious in this one I believe Merlin has to run away. Jelous arthur but he is a lovable dumb lump.

I have more is you need them (not many A/O/B sorry)
Have a nice holliday!


ext_6003581 April 26 2022, 19:43:28 UTC
Hope you have a nice break too! Thanks for the recs ^^. Oh and if you don't mind please do recommend more, I'm quite a fast reader so I need as many as I could. Thanks again!


brunettepet April 26 2022, 15:29:23 UTC
I have over 500 Arthur Pendragon/Merlin bookmarks at Archive of our Own: AO3 Brunettpet Recs. It's a mixed bag but you're welcome sift through them to see if anything grabs you. I usually post a little blurb about why I enjoyed the story. Have a fun vacation!


ext_6003581 April 26 2022, 19:45:57 UTC
Thank you for the recs! I look forward reading them ^^


ubikono April 26 2022, 23:26:41 UTC
I've just gotten back to series after doing a re-watch and catching up to al the fics written after 2015

You probably read them? These are really long fics, and popular. Sadly no a/b/o

We Can Always Run
kairennart (Personaje), queerofthedagger

so close and I'm halfway to it

And like the cycle of the year, we begin again


ext_6003581 April 30 2022, 19:46:08 UTC
Thank you!


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