Round 38: Rules and Info

May 01, 2013 08:37

Round Rules:
» Please make sure all images are PG Rated.
» Icons must be made originally made by you for this challenge, no prior work may be submitted.
» Icons must fit the livejournal standard. Under 40kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif or .jpg file format.
» The icon post must be unlocked.
» Post your completed set at the same time.
» Please use the table provided to post your icons. (Of course, you can change the colours of the table)
» ALL entries are moderated which means that I have to accept the entry before it's made visible to the public.
» Please also add a subject. The format is: Round ## - yourchara
» Completed 20 are due by Midnight EST on the 20th. (CLICK HERE TO SEE TIME LEFT)

Round Participants:
A list of Participants can be found here.

Round Themes:
01. And...
Your character with someone else in the icon. Can be any other character.

02. Bouncy
Your character happy and excited about something.

03. Epic Fail
Your character in the midst of one of those moments, when something blows up in their faces.

04. Gold
Give your icon a golden tinge to it, or a gold background. Just incorporate the colour somehow. :)

05. Limb
Show one of the arms or legs of your character in the icon.

06. Nervous
Your character looking nervous about something.

07. Priceless
A unique, important moment for your character.

08. Ride
Your character riding something. Can be a horse, a dragon, anything.

09. Tonight
An icon of your character during the night.

10. Zoom
An extreme close-up of your character.

Five icons that feature some geometric shape in your icons (lines, circles, triangles, etc).

Artist Choice
Five icons of your character made however you wish.

If you have any questions about any of the themes, please feel free to ask! You may not be the only one!


And...BouncyEpic FailGoldLimb

5 CATEGORY - Geometric

Category #1Category #2Category #3Category #4Category #5


Artist's Choice #1Artist's Choice #2Artist's Choice #3Artist's Choice #4Artist's Choice #5

!rules+info, round38

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