Off Prompt: Guinevere Leodegrance: Private Eye

May 08, 2009 13:31

Title: Guinevere Leodegrance: Private Eye
Rating: G
Challenge: None
Warnings: I may possibly be insane. Other than that, nothing.

Guinevere Leodegrance, private eye, pressed the intercom button.

"You have a client," her secretary said.

"Thanks, Merlin." Merlin looked hapless, but he was a wizard with filing systems. Maybe that was why she was so fond of him: people tended to underestimate them both. Most people weren't looking for a woman detective. It made business slow. Gwen needed this client.

A woman walked in, running her fingers through her dark hair. Gwen's breath caught. The woman had "femme fatale" written all over her. Gwen would be crazy to get involved.

"I'm Morgana. I need you to find my step-brother."

"I'm on the case."

rating: g, gwen/morgana, off-prompt

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