Island news: director interviews, festivals in Israel and Singapore, win Orly Orbach sketches

Jun 16, 2011 18:54

Facebook post
The Island team has a new Facebook post up thanking the attendees of the recent screenings and reminding that the DVD is available for pre-order. They also have some news about screenings in Israel and Singapore:
"We have been accepted for the Haifa Film Festival in Israel in October and the Singapore Film Festival in September. We aren’t sure yet who will be going along - as soon as we have more details we will let you know."
Plus they have two original sketches by Orly Orbach, who created the drawings used in the movie, as prizes for the most original answer to the following: When Island comes out on DVD who will you buy it for (other than yourselves of course!) and why?

Check their Facebook page here for other details about Island happenings, as well as the team's next project.

Director Elizabeth Mitchell’s interview with BBC Radio Scotland was broadcast today. It’s not currently available on BBC iPlayer but it will be re-aired on Sunday, June 19, at 15:45. Check the BBC Radio Scotland page here for more details.

Both directors, Elizabeth and Brek Taylor, have an audio interview with You can listen to the podcast with the interview here.

actor: colin morgan, *no spoilers for series 4, film: island, year: 2011

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