FIC: No More (Albion Falls)

Oct 19, 2015 23:02

Title: No More (Albion Falls)
Name: Diana Prallon
Rating: NC-17/E
Character/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin; Arthur; Merlin; Gaius; Gwen; Mordred; Leon
Word Count: 14518
Warnings: [Major Character Death; Non-Con; Graphic Violence; Torture]

Notes: Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
I don't think I've ever written anything so consistently dark, so you're all forewarned.

My eternal thanks to both Dark_K and Liafail for all their help in this, in giving their opinions and in proof-reading, betaing, and what-not. I shall never forget the worthy sacrifice of your tears. Special thanks for Liafail for giving away the plot to me. I hope this is up to your (angsty) standards. I should also thank everyone in the Merlin-chat, for their continuous support and company in GSD-ing; and of course, everyone in Merlin_Writers for word wars that helped in writing this much.

{No More (Albion Falls)}

character: leon, character: gaius, character: gwen, pairing: arthur/merlin, 2015, character: mordred, rating: nc-17, type: fic

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