The Gentleman Barber [Merlin/Arthur - NC-17]

Mar 22, 2013 12:00

Artist: alby_mangroves
Title: The Gentleman Barber
Pairing/Characters: Arthur/Merlin
Media: Conte and charcoal
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: n/a
Prompt #: 15
Notes: Never ending thanks to the awesome A for her support and Beta assistance, to M for her fabulous encouragement, and to AA and AC for assisting in claiming by proxy on my behalf when I realised that the claims opened at midnight on New Year's Eve in my timezone D:
I almost fell off my chair when I saw this prompt and recognised an excerpt from The Gentleman Barber, a scorching hot chapter of one of my favourite historical AU series- Check/Mate. I hope the author,i_claudia, deems it as an acceptable illustration for this incredibly intimate moment, and knows it for an expression of my love for her words. I took some liberties with this scene in order to bring our protagonists closer together, I hope this can be overlooked in light of artistic license and my desperate need to seat Arthur firmly in Merlin's lap. It's where he belongs, after all.
Summary: ...The muscles stretched across his stomach tingled still from climax, but he could feel pleasure coiling within him again, and did not think it impossible that Arthur’s gentle ministrations might lead to further arousal. It was strangely intimate, he thought, to be so stretched before another man; a curious sensation to be exposed entirely, his own hands useless at his sides, as Arthur set aside the bowl and picked up the razor with a strange, dark look to his eyes. It was a look which promised things Merlin scarcely knew he wanted, and he could not control the tight shiver which ran through him...

This artwork is rated for adults only, please do not click this link unless you are at least 18 years old and allowed to view adult content according to the laws of your country.


This artwork is the sole property of the artist who created it.
Please do not use it or repost it, in whole or in part, on any platform without the expressed consent of the artist.

genre: slash, rating: nc-17, + fest: 2013, pairing: merlin/arthur

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