Hahahaha what?

Nov 10, 2011 12:46

Okay, normally I try not to get too political here in LJ Land (really...I try!  You guys have no idea how many times I bite my tongue)...but I just have to say this.

Rick Perry has taken the inherent buffoonery evident in other important right wing politicians (say, for example; George W. "too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

dagonell November 10 2011, 18:04:23 UTC
I agree that "serious mental brain fart" looks incredibly bad when you're running for the highest office in the land.

What I found stunning was Herman Cain proving "does not have f#$%ing clue". He says China is "trying to develop nuclear capacity". (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/02/herman-cain-china-indicat_n_1070725.html)
Um, Hermie? They've had nuclear capacity since the '60s.


merimask November 10 2011, 18:11:10 UTC
I saw that. Putting aside the sexual harassment scandal (which, I'm sorry, does NOT compare the the Clinton/Flowers thing. That was an affair, while this is practically assault. Different animal entirely), he really doesn't seem to know what the heck he's talking about either.

When did the GOP become the party of buffoons? I mean, the list is extensive. Palin, Perry, Bachman, Cain...so many pundits and politocos that are just...sorry...~stupid~. I mean, it seems to be by design, too. Jon Huntsman sounds like a pretty reasonably intelligent man, but he doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell. Because he's not crazy or an idiot.


kazeno_taka November 11 2011, 00:32:29 UTC
He's the prime argument AGAINST getting rid of public education. Good god...

I honestly don't understand the mentality of "let's get government funding out of education." It's probably the same reason these nutjobs want to get rid of Social Security. "IT'S SOCIALISM. MY TAX DOLLARS. MY TAX DOLLARS." Because god forbid you contribute to the educational growth of your country's children.

...but seeing as how it's stupid people who tend to vote for idiots like this, it's not really a bad strategy for them...


merimask November 11 2011, 03:59:28 UTC
It seems like they want smaller govt and less regulation...unless you're talking about a woman's right to choose the course of her own reproduction. Then suddenly the govt is supposed to regulate the heck out of access to birth control, abortion, health care, contraception, etc etc...

Irony. You're drowning in it.


kazeno_taka November 11 2011, 04:11:26 UTC
And bigger prisons, don't forget that. Because we don't want to be seen as "easy on crime."

Frighteningly enough, there are more and more private prisons in this country that make a profit off prisoners. Essentially slave labor. There was a judge who was prosecuted for sending kids with first time and minor offenses to these for-profit juvenile prisons because he was getting kickbacks from the prison company for each kid he sent. Disgusting.

Sad thing is, prisons are overcrowded because we retaliate instead of rehabilitate. Think about all the money this country would save if we didn't throw pot users into prison.


fantasyforever November 12 2011, 03:09:40 UTC
I've been on Tumblr too long- I want to fav and reblog this post TT^TT All of the main republicans running for office are a joke. Every single one of them! If you can't even remember what you stand for, then WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? The 2012 election is scaring the bejeebus out of me D:

ESPECIALLY Rick Perry. We make fun of Texas on a regular basis, I don't want out country to BECOME Texas! I totally agree with you and kazeno_taka, and I hope our nation can start getting ourselves out of this hole instead of deeper into it...

At least the Personhood act didn't go through. -_-;


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