First Level

Dec 11, 2011 10:22

[Citizens of Meridian may have seen the well-dressed man frantically searching around the city. However, he never stopped to chat with anybody, moved with purpose, occasionally calling out names.]

River? Meimei, where are you? Kaylee? Captain Reynolds?

[The next name is spoken with some reluctance.]

Jayne? Anybody?

[He finally stops in a quiet ( Read more... )

c: (death note) beyond birthday (ou), c: (homestuck) terezi pyrope (ou), (firefly) simon tam (ou), c: (homestuck) gamzee makara (ou), c: (arabesque) ashraf al-mansur

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Comments 58

negcapability December 11 2011, 23:46:39 UTC
[Raf is already heading towards the man, drawn in by the sound of the names he'd been calling out. He waits for him to get within the usual human range for hearing, then tries for a reassuring smile.]

You're new here?


pompous_today December 12 2011, 01:01:07 UTC
[Simon pauses and maintains his distance- though the man's wearing a friendly smile, he's still an unknown. This place had been unpleasantly reminding him of Miranda, as he hadn't seen another living soul until now- although, granted, there hadn't been any dead ones, either.]

...If you mean "have I just arrived and have no idea where I am and how I got here"... then... yes.


negcapability December 12 2011, 01:05:24 UTC
[Raf's own body position is neutral, in part reacting consciously to what he picks up of the other man's wariness. That and the fact that he's met people before here which he would call dangerous, and all he has to protect himself is his reflexes.]

[But he's not threatening, merely defensive. A quick assessment led him to the conclusion that the other man wouldn't be much of a match for Raf in a fight. ]

Here would be Meridian, that's what we've been told the name of the city is. If you came the same way I did, then I can't really help with the how.


pompous_today December 12 2011, 01:11:09 UTC
[Simon relaxes a little and moves closer to the other man. Someone who hasn't shown signs of recognizing him is good- unless he has a VERY good poker face.

Simon hates that he has to be guarded and paranoid, but he doesn't trust the fact that he's not going to be arrested at any moment, either. Not yet.]

Meridian. I have never heard of a place like that before, but... thank you. I can at least know where it isn't. [He sighs and steps still closer, chastising himself for his rudeness.] I just- suddenly appeared here, yes. I don't remember the ship I was on crashing... and I appear to be unhurt...


scotopic December 12 2011, 21:33:26 UTC
[Oops someone's been watching you, Simon. And he steps out of the shadows, finally, to shuffle by in his peculiar hunched manner.]

Something the matter? [B seems completely unruffled, asking the question with no more than a sidewards glance.]


pompous_today December 13 2011, 03:08:18 UTC
[Simon looks at the young man with some wariness- though the unkempt appearance reminds him a little of his sister, and he feels a pang of worry for her.]

I'm looking for my... my friends and my sister.


scotopic December 13 2011, 19:16:34 UTC
Missing persons? [He perks up a little at the prospect.] Then you're in luck. I believe I can be of some assistance.


pompous_today December 14 2011, 15:58:05 UTC
[Simon lets out a small breath, trying not to let his hopes get up, but he can feel his heart beating faster. As per his nervous habit, he sticks the index finger of his right hand into his mouth, biting down.]

You can? Do you know this place?


makaracles December 16 2011, 11:35:56 UTC
[There's an odd dark shape that appears to be following him - the slouching form of what appears to be a human with two horns spiraling up from his head? It's hard to tell, in the shadows.]


pompous_today December 16 2011, 15:51:55 UTC
[And Simon is oblivious to the shadow at first, frantically searching for ANY sign of his crew, his sister especially. His instincts are telling him to be cautious, so he stops, looks around, then squints at the shadowed form, wondering if he's seeing things.]


makaracles December 17 2011, 04:21:59 UTC
[He might be, since the figure that ambles out into the open as Simon watches is pretty damn hallucinatory looking. Tall, skinny, horned, gray skin, yellow eyes, and ... polka dot pants and clown make-up?]

Hey, motherfucker. Ain't be having none of that miracle luck today, huh? [He seems ... friendly at least?]


pompous_today December 18 2011, 01:06:14 UTC
[Simon's mouth falls open as the- person? steps out, before he shuts it and swallows. He looks like a person in an evil clown costume, which is rather startling. A mild look of affront crosses his face at the curse word, but it's very brief.]

... It does not seem that way, no.


smellyoudie December 17 2011, 05:02:10 UTC
[New people are always of interest to Terezi, who sniffs them out almost as soon as she catches the scent and can follow the trail. And yep, lo and behold, new guy.]

Anybody, you said?


pompous_today December 18 2011, 01:02:43 UTC
[Another person with gray skin and horns. Simon can't help but stare. He'd feel rude saying "I meant anybody I know", and so...]

... I suppose so, yes. I'm a little relieved that this city isn't empty.


smellyoudie December 23 2011, 01:43:04 UTC
Hahaha! Now why would you think that?


pompous_today December 28 2011, 18:24:54 UTC
Because it was quite a while before I saw other people.


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