Don't blame me, I'm voting Rhino

Apr 11, 2011 18:51

Hi, hello, I have been a little quiet lately. But I'm here! Around, reading and pootling around the internet and finding strange things ( Read more... )

hope you like parentheticals, run-on sentence theatre, my life is so exciting, crazytown, flailing, i like tags, argh, idek, \o/, look at this!, haaaaaaaate, hilare, segues are for the weak, talking about the weather again, politics

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Comments 21

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meresy April 11 2011, 23:13:31 UTC
I never liked them, but Stephen Harper has made me hate them.

The third minority looks likely, but after the third strike Our Robot Overlord will probably lose the leadership, so there's that.

Not that you can trust the Con caucus to vote in someone better. *sigh*

You can vote wherever your current address is, you just have to prove you live there.


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meresy April 11 2011, 23:56:00 UTC
Ah, well, if you don't have an address yet, you cannae do it. If you've signed a lease, you can?

I live in a riding full of retirees. Things are lookin' blue around here.


the_antichris April 11 2011, 23:15:42 UTC
I haaaaaaate FPP. I'm so glad we got rid of it, and praying that the right don't convince us to get rid of it. (National hates proportional voting, for the very good reason that half their election victories since they were founded have been achieved through manipulating FPP, so we have to have a referendum about it. Which they will attempt to manipulate by shouting about THOSE CRAZY MAORIS (who were elected in electorate seats, not on the MMP list, but logic never stopped racist dogwhistles from working on the people they're aimed at) and THOSE CRAZY HIPPIES and WOULDN'T IT BE NICE IF PARLIAMENT WAS ALL RICH WHITE MEN AGAIN.)

And the image of coalition governments that Harper is selling to his base would be hilarious if it wasn't so successful.


meresy April 11 2011, 23:51:56 UTC
In MMP, are the list members also chosen or ranked by the voters? I wouldn't be comfortable with a list system that left the backbench entirely up to the party and not to the electorate. *is ignorant ( ... )


the_antichris April 12 2011, 00:31:45 UTC
Chosen by the party, but I'm pretty OK with that, because in practice the party chooses electorate MPs, too, by allocating winnable electorates. It's done by the party membership, not just the caucus. And the lists are public.

Urban electorates tend to get the shaft in electorate-based systems, but I get your point. There must be some kind of middle ground that would be better than FPP but not advantage urban voters over rural ones.


meresy April 12 2011, 00:40:40 UTC
Ah. Party membership vote is okay, I suppose. Can list members be cabinet?

And yeah, urban areas totally do get boned by FPP, but that doesn't change the fact that the urban areas (i.e. Southern Ontario and Quebec, Lower B.C.) still have an advantage even WITH what's knocked off by the system and riding-size shenanigans. MMP as-is would exacerbate the divide, as far as I can tell. But it may be fair anyway, in the way that life is unfair. :P

Maybe that weird transferable-vote system and some riding reshuffling would work? They tried to split some more ridings in the cities to make them all equal population-wise, but the Conservatives sat on that because their Western voting base didn't like the idea of Ontario and Quebec getting more seats. =/


innocentsmith April 11 2011, 23:41:32 UTC
What in God's name was the context for the do of them doing "When Harry Met Sally"? It's like real life is becoming a movie fusion AU. o_O


meresy April 11 2011, 23:54:29 UTC
Part of the random con improv they always inflict on the guests? Except some hero submitted the Diner Scene.

I just can't imagine being the sort of person who would DO that. Actors. WTF.


akite April 12 2011, 00:14:18 UTC
Thanks for the embed of the con/faking an orgasm/When Harry Met Sally thing. It was the best laugh I've had all day. That Misha Collins is something else, eh?


meresy April 12 2011, 00:31:13 UTC
Something Else isn't even sure what Misha is.


dugrival April 12 2011, 02:25:38 UTC
THIS. Seriously.

Hi, we are finally having lovely weather too! \o/ The snow is gone, I thought we would never be rid of it.


meresy April 13 2011, 02:57:55 UTC
He is inexplicable.

Weather is cooler now, but still sunny! I'll take it. :D


catwalksalone April 12 2011, 09:25:52 UTC
We have a referendum on 5th May to see if we want to change FPP to a more proportional representation system. There is no choice for MOTHERFUCKINGYES apparently. I'll just have to stick to the old-fashioned YES instead.

I commiserate over your Conservative government and the idiocy of people. We're in a similar boat.


meresy April 13 2011, 03:00:28 UTC
These things always seem to be really tight votes. We had a referendum question for MMP in the last provincial election, but it didn't achieve the required majority, alas.

I hate the CPC. So much, Cat. >:(


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