Feb 08, 2010 17:35

brynnmck just sent me a link to yon interview with Bruce McD about Trigger, actual Hard Core Logo sequels and making more movies about women while Hugh and Callum are off doing "high-paying cop shows."


BUT THAT'S NOT THE BEST PART. The best part is they are doing FILMING for Trigger at the Mod Club on Valentines Day. It's a benefit concert. XD It ( Read more... )

my rage is both a wave and a particle!, unforgivable whining, my life is so exciting, article, flailing, i like tags, hcl2, wtf, drama! betrayal! lack of planning!, look at this!, haaaaaaaate, omfg, i want another degree for some reason, film, bruce mcdonald, toronto, argh, rant

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Comments 9

ubixtiz February 8 2010, 22:54:21 UTC
:O Did you figure out how one gains admission to the Mod Club event?


meresy February 8 2010, 23:01:02 UTC
Not really? But if my limited knowledge of other non-ticketed Mod Club things says they open the doors at 7pm and take as many as'll fit after the guestlist. Since it's a benefit I suppose one makes a donation to get in. :D


nos4a2no9 February 8 2010, 23:37:02 UTC
Urgh, that sucks. I am very sorry for you indeed. *pets you* We can raincheck our SPN night, y/y?


meresy February 10 2010, 23:13:23 UTC
It's not so bad, really, even though I am right now in the lab all alooooone. I'd rather this than having to get up at the ass-crack of dawn. Plus it's not as hurry-hurry-hurry as last time.

We can raincheck indeed! What are you up to this fine Family Day weekend? *g*


meresy February 10 2010, 23:17:08 UTC
Speaking of which, the Family Day makes the fact that the Trigger thing is Sunday night a non-issue! Wanna go to Toronto on Valentines? :D? :D?


nos4a2no9 February 12 2010, 15:54:29 UTC
Awww, dude, I can't on V-Day - plans with That Guy. I'm booked evenings this weekend, but maybe we could hang during the day on Saturday? (Say, 1pm)? Let me know if that works for you.


zabira February 9 2010, 20:31:22 UTC
meres, i'm really excited about this film! i wanted hugh and callum and funtimes, but i think this might actually be BETTER than what i was imagining as a sequel to HCL. and you should DEFINITELY GO. OMG.

ION: *pets*


meresy February 10 2010, 23:15:28 UTC
Why can't we have both, is what I'm saying? Not that we can't totally draw Joe and Billy into the Trigger story, knowing the project orginis. So it's almost like both! :D?


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